Should I Do It?

hey rollitupers this is my first post,and i have an important ? i recently obtained some awesome genetics and want to start another grow(2nd attempt) only problem is i cannot do it at my place because of unrelated reasons.i do have a friend who has a three bedroom house all to himself and he suggested i do it there.only problem is he goes out of town every weekend to see his girlfriend he also has two crazy ass baby mamas intown. i told him i didnt want to invest into this unless i have a key to his place, just for the weekends when hes not there he doesnt want to give me a key. so what do you veterans think should i do it anyway or secure another location. he also thinks that we need to have the windows and blinds open so the plants can get "moonlight and sunlight" i know this is wrong but hes kinda slow so i pay him no mind when it comes to his suggestions. what should i do? everything is telling me not to do it with him but im anxious to get started and dont want to really wait 1-2 mos. before finding an ideal spot.


Well-Known Member
i would take a chance with him, but try and get the key even if he gives you it on the friday and you give it back on the sunday/monday, hold a couple of seeds back incase anything go s wrong, and i would tell him if anything goes wrong and its his fault then he has to repay you for any investment youve made.( i take it he will be getting half of the finished product?) put some sort of lock on the bedroom door aswell incase any baby mommas come calling and try and peek in.
thx i was thinking the same thing and yeah all harvest will be split. i have been hesitant because he has alot of lady drama and i feel like he will tell them eventually and they will get mad for other reasons and snitch him out.have u ever met a smart dumb person? u know really dumb but thinks theyre smart well thats this guy i dont want him to touch or tend to them but i know hes gonna mess with em anyway he just thinks he knows how to grow yet says sum of the dumbest shit
slow like slow class in middle school opted out in high school but just says and does the dumbest shit he wants to leave blinds and curtains open so they can get "sunlight" too


Well-Known Member
NO WAY!!!!!!!

You won't even have plants in there before some one else that's not involved knows.

Waiting a month or 2 will save you alot of drama and stress.Roll solo.Having a key means what?you got a what,a key won't lock up all the bullshit.


Well-Known Member
I' am all about giving a friend a chance.

But since you brought in the thought of even 1 oz of baby momma drama I would call it a no-go.

bitches are crazy, they will lie to get what they want.

All you need is a emotionally strung-out women high as hell off estrogen to make a bull shit call to cops about domestic abuse and it will all be over.


Well-Known Member
yes but everything falls on him if anything happens, and he still owes you money so your no worse off, i would make all that clear from the start and put a lock on the door and keep the key, at the end of the day if he opens his mouth hes worse off
thats my fear and yes moonlight wtf? hes getting all excited already and is asking dumbass ?s like how much we gone make and if we add more plants we get more i said no we add more light and get more he has a hard time believing me but i have done it already and have done plenty of research.
so what do yall suggest a 1 bedroom apt/townhouse not in a apt community or a house somewhere with 2-3 bedrooms not really trying to go commercial just maybe 1 or 2 1000watters


Well-Known Member
no way man, run solo, friends means problems, especially un-smart friends that think they're smart. thems be the worst. they'll never know when they are wrong.

moonlight?! seriously?! might as well call it anti-bud light


Well-Known Member
I would wait.. growing takes alot of time and effort.. if something happen to your babies its gonna crush u .. and it seems from the situation that something will prob go wrong.


Well-Known Member
My suggestion is to save up some cash....give it to some one that can send it to you in jail.

Why make a thread asking a question.....and like 7 posts into it you make it clear you was gonna do it from the start any way?

You should really sit down and think man.


Well-Known Member
so what do yall suggest a 1 bedroom apt/townhouse not in a apt community or a house somewhere with 2-3 bedrooms not really trying to go commercial just maybe 1 or 2 1000watters
Are you going to be residing in this newly constructed grow room? Or you just looking for a small place to rent just for growing?

Since we are already past the idea of NOT growing with this friend of yours, lets try to help you decide whats the best decision for you.

So you cannot grow where you are living now..are you paying rent? If so can you afford to rent/lease another place?

If so, then a 1 bedroom would be good. Why get a 3 bedroom when your only interest will be with one room.
Ive also seen some nice setups with studio flats and converting the bath tube into a flood n drain holding more then 30 plants in a SOG style setup under 2 1000 w lamps.

Outdoor season is picking up, Its not too late to throw some babies out. You wont get 8ft tree's but they will turn out good. This will give you something to grow for the next few months, and then give you time to organize a well thought out plan for indoo growing.

are your intentions just for personal use, or do you wanna make enough back to break even or pay the bills?