It looks like the leaves are curling up way more than they are supposed to. Something is up with them. They are not looking too healthy. But keep the leaves. If they fall off they falls off. No reason to remove nutrients from the buds you are trying to feed.
Doesnt look ready to me. I'd try to fix the issue, seems minor, perhaps flush for a few days & restart nuets at 1/2 strength till you know your there, then give her a few more weeks
Just my opinion of course, worth what you paid for it
I give the yellow leaves a slight tug, if the plant is done with them them they will pop right off. Otherwise I leave them on, the plant is probably still sucking nutrients out of them.
you got at least 2 weeks too go really you want a micro scope 30x + I like a 60x better and I use a 100x now 60x was just fine for me though but with the 30x loupe I have its kinda hard to see the color but the 60x + is clear as day.