Should I cut this straggler off?

Basically, wondering if this doing more harm than good. A solo branch near the bottom of the plant. not really getting much light. Hasn't got any bud sites on it like the mid and top of the plant...should I just get rid off it?


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The plant doesnt look in great health. Got a pic in normal light? I would worry more about that than lollypopping right now

check it here bro. All advise welcome. First timer.

What are the chances I’ll fuck up the flowering stage if I do this badly? I’ve noticed the roots trying to penetrate the fabric but been scared to attempt it.
Hey dude if the plant looks like it's trying to penetrate through the fabric pots it's a really good sign that youv got a really strong root system in that pot if your worried it could be a clumsy procedure just soak the fabric pot with some water put it in a larger pot with some soil or whatever you use and get scissors and just cut down each side of your fabric one and peel it off it should sit in there just fine and just fill the sides in. I highly recommended the upsize tho. Good luck
Hey dude if the plant looks like it's trying to penetrate through the fabric pots it's a really good sign that youv got a really strong root system in that pot if your worried it could be a clumsy procedure just soak the fabric pot with some water put it in a larger pot with some soil or whatever you use and get scissors and just cut down each side of your fabric one and peel it off it should sit in there just fine and just fill the sides in. I highly recommended the upsize tho. Good luck

Thanks bro, going homebase later to get a bigger pot. Hopefully they haven't all been bought up in the corona panic LOL