Should i cut this leaf leaf off?


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like a fungus. More likely insects sucking on the undersides. Check with magnification or just treat with neem or spinosad.


Well-Known Member
Should i cut this leaf off before it infects other leaves? Idk if its fungus or mold or bugs but a friend said it fungus judging from the color being yellow and it growing..
Doesn't look like mold, but it might be SEPTORIA
just kidding, looks kinda like leaf miner damage, or something similar.
I'd leave it. If it's not mold, all you're doing is causing the problem to appear somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
no not yet. that leaf is something like 25% of your plants photosynthesis production. as the plant gets bigger and has plenty more leaves then remove it if you are still worried about it

later when its flowering i would remove leaves like that as they could be a harbour of mold that could infect the buds

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
No need.
That type of thing is common and basically, meaningless in the long run.

Your friend needs to get more real experience under their belt.....NOT a mold, fungus, or bug result....

No need to freak at very little thing. Pay close attention, seek advise or research properly..
You did ok coming here.