Should i cut my fan leaves?

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Dick Moser

Active Member
6.5 off the stem including hash weight was the average from that harvest (we didnt cut and weight individuals) but its was all genetics really, god bud from clone. i cant remeber excatly but i think it was like 40 days after rooting and then 9 or ten weeks i think. and yea, to anyone just getting to this thread NOTICE ANY FAN LEAVES?????? stay medicated, or i will. :)


Well-Known Member
but WHAT is the goddamn motherfuckin problem???!!!?? you have more than ONE tree right? so TRY it for yourself and gain some experience so you can level up to be a + 13 Paladin or sumtin sumtin
practise makes perfect. experience over reading. be your own teacher. if i had more than one plant left, i would easily try it out for all y'all ....just for the sake of it! thing is, iv'e allready tried stupid shit on some plants leavin one girl standing.
nearly 300 posts and everybody just arguin and copying threads and statements from the net.

Dick Moser

Active Member
just like a god damn stinkmeaner to come in here and say up the same shit everyone else is saying just with an attitude, i have half a mind to just whoop your ass you damn stinkmeaner (damn i love boondocks) props on the sicky tar and fo sho what are you gonna learn on the net you cant teach your self in a room, grow it big grow it bud.


New Member
call on the destroyer to solve this one. leaves are whats doing the work..... so if you need to cut them to allow your light to reach deeper other ones, the answer is simple. grow a smaller plant! you problem is that you are growing to big for your light. you cut one to allow light access to another one...hmmmm... just grow smaller so you whole plant is getting what it needs, or get more lights. i also think its silly to trade your top buds in favor for your bottom ones in the first place, the top is the top is the whole point of the top, if your bottom cant see the light, your plant structure should be smaller for your setup. light and leaves i say hell ya

Dick Moser

Active Member
good call noob, good call. what ever have I been DOING!!! i should have known that 13k watts of light WOULD NEVER BE ENOUGH!!! how silly of me, thank you noob for your words of wisdumb. grow big or go home. cool pic by the way, is that a frog corning a mouse????


Well-Known Member
Seriously, why is this argument even happening? There have been THOUSANDS of studies done by Universities, etc around the world over the years that quite clearly say you only trim a leaf if its damaged or for cloning...thats it! Buds can only absorb something like 10% of the light a fan leaf can, its the leaves that grow you the big buds not buds absorbing light themselves...its common sense!

Dick Moser

Active Member
well you play with your sense and ill hold my dollar and we will see who smiles widest :) study the studies student and let the masters work their magic


New Member
Seriously, why is this argument even happening? There have been THOUSANDS of studies done by Universities, etc around the world over the years that quite clearly say you only trim a leaf if its damaged or for cloning...thats it! Buds can only absorb something like 10% of the light a fan leaf can, its the leaves that grow you the big buds not buds absorbing light themselves...its common sense!
How much gpw do you get? I saw a guy who cuts off all his leafs and gets well over 1 gpw. Now either you accept that he would get over 2 gpw or some amazing number if he only kept his leafs.....or you accept that what you think is common sense is just a lack of understanding of what's going on. I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation of what's going on that would fit the view you need, if I was going to guess I'd guess that the leafs close to the buds are just that more efficient or something. Keep an open mind. try it one day, take the pill.


Well-Known Member
still goin strong on the arguing i see? i thought potsmokers, stoners and ganjamans was openminded people with no tip on their shoulders....
if your wondering what will happen if you cut them leaves, just do it. just DO IT man.

little less converstion, a little more action please. ~ Elvis the fat suckah


Well-Known Member
If its the same/better for a plant to grow without leaves...why hasnt nature done away with the ardous process of growing them in the first place?


Well-Known Member
If its the same/better for a plant to grow without leaves...why hasnt nature done away with the ardous process of growing them in the first place?

lol, perhaps because the universities and mother nature arent trying to pack unatural amounts of cannibas in small spaces to eek out every possible gram...... Peple act like we are advocating cutting off evry single leaf on a plant and we are not. you cut the fan leaves which leaves tons of other leaves on the bud sites to absorb light without blocking that silly light from hitting your plants. Ever look at the bottom of a monster plant grown outdoors which even has the sunlight moving all over it to even out growth? Nothing but crappy popcorn bud at best down low. Cutting the right leaves at the right time with the right kind of grow works ver very well and increases yields dramatically.

Personally I have done thousands of plants both ways with the same nutes,same lights same strains and my yields are atleast 2X with leaf removal. Well over 1 gram per watt in fact usually 1.5 with ZERO CO2. Game over


Active Member
lol, perhaps because the universities and mother nature arent trying to pack unatural amounts of cannibas in small spaces to eek out every possible gram...... Peple act like we are advocating cutting off evry single leaf on a plant and we are not. you cut the fan leaves which leaves tons of other leaves on the bud sites to absorb light without blocking that silly light from hitting your plants. Ever look at the bottom of a monster plant grown outdoors which even has the sunlight moving all over it to even out growth? Nothing but crappy popcorn bud at best down low. Cutting the right leaves at the right time with the right kind of grow works ver very well and increases yields dramatically.

Personally I have done thousands of plants both ways with the same nutes,same lights same strains and my yields are atleast 2X with leaf removal. Well over 1 gram per watt in fact usually 1.5 with ZERO CO2. Game over
That's what I'm talking about!
Oh wait, real world experience is not acceptable... ;)


Well-Known Member
i usually try to tuck them now. ive cut leaves with noticeable difference but if i can keep them with same results i will :D

Dick Moser

Active Member
HAHAH mabye its because IN NATURAL situations THIS PLANT HAS TO FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL!!!!!! go figure it would DEVELOP LARGE FREAKIN FAN LEAVES TO BLOCK OUT LIGHT FOR PLANTS AROUND IT!!!! aahh wait you all have advanced horticultural degrees and are masters of your craft and i truly have no right to even add my small insufficient experience to the mix, my bad, im an idiot and i make stuff up so people like me, and my observational skills are much much to the lacking.
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