Should'' i chop main colas, n leave bottom to grow?pics

it looks as thogh they might be ready, but it comes down to what you think. if there done then go right ahead it will only slow the rest a day or two, so if your worried about it don't be just know they will keep growing even without those tops.


Well-Known Member
If you got another crop ready to go then I say screw it. Use the scraps for hash and on to the next crop! I'd rather see my next harvest come in 1-3 weeks faster than to wait for those scraps to fill out.


If you got another crop ready to go then I say screw it. Use the scraps for hash and on to the next crop! I'd rather see my next harvest come in 1-3 weeks faster than to wait for those scraps to fill out.
im growin in some in coco an some nft, wa\t will be done first. coco or nft