Should I call my ex-girlfriend?


Well-Known Member
I'm 24 years old. My ex-girlfriend and I dated from the time I was 17-20, we broke up like 4 years ago. I haven't had a girlfriend since then.

We hung out a couple of times right after we broke up and then she stopped communicating with me - wouldn't return phone calls, e-mails, explanation - just shut me out 100%. So I finally let it go.

For some reason lately I've been thinking a lot about calling her. I'm not really sure why. Curiosity maybe? I think it would be nice if we could just be friends...but I don't know how that would play out. I don't really see any value in getting back together and I seriously doubt she would agree to it anyway - but for some reason I want to talk to her again...but I don't want to be a creepster about it.

Should I give her a call?


Well-Known Member
No... just let it go. It's been 4 years bro, find a new horse to ride.

And this is not meant in a mean way. I think living in the past holds people back from what they are truly capable of, move forward not back.


Active Member
call if your only intention is to be friends and catch up. otherwise you could be setting yourself up for a letdown. 4 years is a long time, she could be married and have kids by now.

Brick Top

New Member
Sure ... call her .... call her a fucking cunt that is.

That will make you feel much better.

Oh .. toss fat in too .. that makes it much worse.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You can't go back,man.Sorry.I tried going back to an ex after 8 years. I had outgrown him, we weren't even the same people we had been.


Well-Known Member
Don't call her your just bringing up old memories, friends is a horrid idea.....sounds like your still in love to me.......Go get laid that is the easiest way to move on.


Well-Known Member
To all the people telling me to call her a cunt, etc..., I don't think she's a cunt. I don't hate her. I actually broke up with her.

Look, I don't have any hard feelings towards this girl...and I don't think it would be realistic to get back together. After 4 years, I'm sure she's a very different person now and I know I am.

I guess I'm just curious how it woud play out. I wonder if we would hit it off.. I wonder if she would even talk to me at all... I know it sounds weird and creepy...but I have this weird urge to get back in touch with her. But at the same time something inside of me is telling me I just shouldn't do it.

What if I called her..she agreed to hang out...and it became a really meaningful plantonic friendship? Then it would have been worthwhile.

But then what if she just doesn't answer her phone...and doesn't call me back? Then I'll feel like a stalker..


Well-Known Member
don't call her it just makes u look desprate. not only that but obveously she don't want anything to do with you. all my ex's try and contact me all the fuckin time, but i dont pay them any mind because i've moved on. and people are not the same as they used to be once u wait that long to get back together. and remember, you guys broke up for a reason.