Should I be worried?


Active Member
I have a flower room full of white Widow right now...
Eldest lady is 5 weeks into flower and looking ever so lovely.
(pictured front right)wk5FlowerRoom.jpg
I was gently tugging on branches trying to see if there was a profitable way to tie it down and I heard the main stem give a little "snap/crack" visible damage ...and I couldn't feel any fractures...

should I be worried that my girl will die?

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
In a

You probably split it where a branch meets the stalk. If you can find it, a little binding wouldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
You may have inadvertantly done some Stress Training mate. If there`s no visable fractures, then you`ve just worked the stem tissue enough to allow for nutrient passage later. If there`s no fractures, you`ve likely done yourself a favour :)

KC :weed:


Active Member
You may have inadvertantly done some Stress Training mate. If there`s no visable fractures, then you`ve just worked the stem tissue enough to allow for nutrient passage later. If there`s no fractures, you`ve likely done yourself a favour :)

KC :weed:
This is what I was hoping!
I supercrop and this lady was actually bent a few times in late veg/early flower...
so same result? I can dig it!!
Hope it adds some octane!!


Well-Known Member
You bet mate!! you may see some nice results in the weeks to come :blsmoke:. Blood pressure spike alliviated :)

KC :weed:


Active Member
oh yeah, If I can find one that's the normal procedure for me...
I love my supercropping...just never had a *snap* after the 2nd week in flower....


Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah can be a bit scary, know what you mean. as long as the stressing happens before the third week of flower there`s generally no adverse affect on plant growth. Keep your eyes out for the `knuckle`that will form where the break happened, should become apparent in 3-4 days

KC :weed:


Active Member
Haha, yeah can be a bit scary, know what you mean. as long as the stressing happens before the third week of flower there`s generally no adverse affect on plant growth. Keep your eyes out for the `knuckle`that will form where the break happened, should become apparent in 3-4 days

KC :weed:
so since this happened in middle/late flower...I should expect it to stay short but hopefully more energized?


Well-Known Member
so since this happened in middle/late flower...I should expect it to stay short but hopefully more energized?
Had a rip, rookie mistake not doing a `look-back`before firing a post, my bad :p. Shouldn`t affect the growth as much as an earlier stressing, but the nutrient flow (especially with Carbs) will be boomin`! At this point in the flower you`re not seeing lateral growth anyways, just paving a better `highway` for your finishers (Silicates, hardeners, etc.) to travel. Do us a biggin`and post of your end results, got a journal running? Best of luck, top tokin`

KC :weed:


Active Member
I'm not comfortable posting a journal until federal law is changed...

but I will follow up and post some pics right to this thread before harvest in about 2-3 weeks....


Well-Known Member
I feel that, I`m licensed here in Ontario, so I`m good. But please, please, do post the ending, you`ve done a great job thus far :)

KC :weed:


Active Member
Had a rip, rookie mistake not doing a `look-back`before firing a post, my bad :p. Shouldn`t affect the growth as much as an earlier stressing, but the nutrient flow (especially with Carbs) will be boomin`! At this point in the flower you`re not seeing lateral growth anyways, just paving a better `highway` for your finishers (Silicates, hardeners, etc.) to travel. Do us a biggin`and post of your end results, got a journal running? Best of luck, top tokin`

KC :weed:


WW closeup.jpg WW.jpg WW3.jpg

I picked a bud last week and tried it... HOLY SHIT!
Cant wait to see how strong it is when it's done!!
Finally bud that will actually get me stoned!!


Well-Known Member

I picked a bud last week and tried it... HOLY SHIT!
Cant wait to see how strong it is when it's done!!
Finally bud that will actually get me stoned!!
Looking solid as hell dude, I`m loving the tickness on that stem, like a proper trunk! Post more of them if you can later !!

KC :weed:


Active Member
yeah, I'm happy!

the next one up to bat has a stem 4x bigger.... I'll post more in about 10 days when the first one is harvested...


Active Member
so check it out...
I added the cal mag a few days ago...

today, all the fan leaves are brown and wilted...
today also marked the first day of week 8 in I'm not too worried.
but I think I may have over done it on the calmag...
one other lady is showing the same signs (drooping, brown, wilting) but it's only on a few leaves right now.
going to give them a flush today... will post some pics...even though they aren't pretty... I want to know what I did...


Well-Known Member
I split the main stem to the soil on an AK-48 mid-flower. I wrapped a pipe cleaner or two around the stem and let her go. Turned out to be my best producer. The two branches on either side of the split got very fat and grew huge buds.

You will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah gotta be careful with the CalMag, only needs like 5ml/gallon or something. Anything more you`ll see some visable rejections. You`ll be fine with a flush mate. Keep it coming,

KC :weed: