Should I be worried


Active Member
As my buds are maturing the leaves on my plant are incresingly turing yellow, curling and drying out. Is this normal when the plant starts flowering as it thinks it's Autumn or something? While the leaves at the base of the plant where the less mature buds are, are still very green

Advice greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Think about it like this. In Autumn, trees leaves turn yellow and die off to produce there fruits and flowers right? So the same goes for your buds. Just a natural cycle of life. As Awill1818 said, the buds draw all the nutrients and 'good stuff' to produce the fruits of you labor :D


Active Member
Thanks for your replies. Given the plant is drawing nutrients out of the leaves for bud development as you suggest, should I give the plant a feed? I read somewhere that as the buds ripen I should stop feeding. They haven't had a feed for about a week now. Would you say these buds are nearly ready? Thanks

