Should I be worried about my seedling ?



Its been 2 weeks since I planted the seed.

She was responding very well but today I noticed something that can be a Def.

Don't know what it is...

My setup is one 5 galon bucket.

tap water (55ppm)
ph: 5.8
Room temp: 78°
Humidity: 60%

2 days ago i put some drops of Dyna grow and the ppm rise up a little bit to 72 ppm.

Can it be nute burn or is a deficiency?

Thanks for your help

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I would guess the nutes were a bit too strong, so might be a good idea to go back to pure water for a few days

are you a hempy or a hydro setup?


Well-Known Member
Looks like your medium is perlite only. Still, nutes given to a seedling that young is a gamble. They are too sensitive at that beginning stage.


I'm doing dwc.. Perlite with expanded clay at the bottom.

Changed the water in the rez about 30 minutes ago.. just tap water.


Active Member
If they are in a 5 gallon pot I would think it is growing roots first. I have read that that is part of the reason for using smaller pots to start seedlings in, it allows them to grow above and below the surface


actually I'm running a simple deep water culture system, just one 5 galon bucket for 1 plant (6" net pot).. I started the germinated seed straight on perlite.


I don't do perlite or hydro whatsoever, granted, but am I the only one who thinks either the plant actually is afflicted with a deficiency or it is something else? 72 ppm isn't a lot at all... my local tap water comes out of the faucet a bit higher than that, and it could barely be considered 'hard water'. It's been two weeks and perlite has virtually nothing for plant available nutrients of any kind... Soil may sustain a seedling for several weeks, and a good sphagnum or coir based straight potting mix for a couple weeks perhaps. Just perlite, on the other hand, no minerals to speak of you need to start fertilizing lightly earlier.

Correct me if I am wrong, but even a 2 week old seedling should be able to tolerate (if not require) 250 ppm at least, given nothing in the growth media.


I think 250ppm is too much for a seedling.. Some strain can tolerate.. but i like to go easy with my plants. Like Cobnobuler said "nutes given to a seedling that young is a gamble"

Today she showed burn damage.

foto (9).jpg

Another thing that is important to say. This seed is a Kalashnikova (Green House Seeds) put 5 seed to germinate and she was the only one that was successfull. Maybe she is a little bit weaker.

Yesterday I planted 2 more seeds (Big Bang GHS). Lets see what happend.

Thanks for the help man


Well-Known Member
Yep, now it is clearly burned. I dunno now bud. I used to be inclined to try to nurse something like this back to health and it might be do-able. On the other hand, it seems whenever I have a plant turn hermie on me damned if it wasnt one that I really had to mess with to get her going.
Something to keep in mind. This ones looking pretty grim and its too young to be able to fight off its damage. You didnt lose a lot of time. I might start over again.


Yes, I agree with you my friend. I will let her sitting on the bucket anyway, just ph water...
I got 2 big bangs that opened the fake leafs today, if she (kalashnikova) can not fight the damage They will substitute her.

thanks for your time


The roots are actually getting wet and all?

I am just finding it really hard to believe that < 100 ppm water burned a 2 week old seedling in perlite.

FNG Grower

Well-Known Member
I don't grow my girls in perlite, but I grow a lot of other species in perlite for research. When you're dealing with a substrate that has almost no buffering capability, your nutes need to be at the exact concentration at the exact interval. Small plants are the most susceptible. I realize that you intend to grow with your current setup, but you might be able to save the plant by putting it in some seed starting soil like Sunshine Mix until she's healthy again.


Well-Known Member
Nute deficiencies are not usually an issue with plants that young. Probably too much nutes if anything. If you're not giving nutes and there are no pre-mixed nutes in the substrate then it's a water issue. Too much/Too Little (probably too little if it is a water issue) or your water just has something funky in it which is unlikely.


My water is 55ppm (tap water) I really don't know if got something funky in it, but I'm starting to believe that its because I started straight in perlite and at the first days the perlite was not very well wet.
Like a said I got 2 new seedlings going on and I started them in Rockwool. Probably it will be ok

Thank you for your help guys ! I really appreciate