Should I be misting seedlings?

cannabis culture

Well-Known Member
Should I be misting my young seedlings, 1 day old? And if so how often? Their in soil and the soil is pretty moist but should I be misting them directly, not the soil.


Well-Known Member
Never mist em at this point man it's way too early for them to benefit from it so it's totally unnecessary at this stage and there's a very high chance of causing a great deal of harm like over watering.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i always mist my seedlings lightly to keep the soil slightly moist and not wet. how often depends on many factors: i''m an outdoor grower so weather conditions play a big part. i lightly mist when the soil begins to show a slight sign of drying. i start weaning them off the mist bottle at about 10 days old. GL


Well-Known Member
Greetings CC,
I don't mist seedlings because they already have roots that can absorb moisture.

Clones ate different and I do mist them...inside the dome lid.