Should I adopt a kitty?

Should I adopt the kitty?

  • Yes, adopt that pussy

    Votes: 9 45.0%
  • No, drown that pussy in a bathtub

    Votes: 7 35.0%
  • Adopt all the pussies so you have a viable food source for the apocalypse

    Votes: 4 20.0%

  • Total voters
Here's the deal... my mom's 2 cats escaped and came back knocked up. They both had several kittens several weeks ago. My mom wants me to take one of the kittens. I don't really want a kitten but feel bad because I have no idea what my mom is gonna do with 9 kittens. My house is converted into 3 separate apartments. My mom says just to leave the kitten on the first floor,
Or just replace your mom with a kitten ;)
stay high
They keep taking all the good
Not the big ones.........Look_At_It5260_zpsa0271a0d.jpg
but the small ones, maybe.......carvschicken_zps58d31a9d.jpg
Having cats that aren't fixed is irresponsible IMO....then you end up with litter after litter of unwanted kittens.

for me, having a pet is a responsibility....they need love, attention and proper care. If someone isn't willing to take that on, it's cruel to the animal.

Long as you can take care of, go for it
Cats are awesome. My black cat is OG, my dog is terrified of him lol. He is an indoor cat but I've been training him for the outdoors since he was a kitten incase something happens and he ends up outside somehow. He is 12 years old and looks like a 4 year old cat, hes a beast.
The kitty is in a healthy environment. And happy as hell. I've never heard a cat purr as loud as this kitty purrs. Not sure how I feel about getting the cat fixed. What effect will that have on the kitty? I wouldn't want to cut off his balls and have him be not as cool. Then he'd be an uncool ball-less freak.
The kitty is in a healthy environment. And happy as hell. I've never heard a cat purr as loud as this kitty purrs. Not sure how I feel about getting the cat fixed. What effect will that have on the kitty? I wouldn't want to cut off his balls and have him be not as cool. Then he'd be an uncool ball-less freak.

You gotta get em fixed, he'll be fine, The general rule of thumb is to fix them before they even know what their balls are for. If you wait til they get older there is a good chance they become assholes afterwards.
The kitty is in a healthy environment. And happy as hell. I've never heard a cat purr as loud as this kitty purrs. Not sure how I feel about getting the cat fixed. What effect will that have on the kitty? I wouldn't want to cut off his balls and have him be not as cool. Then he'd be an uncool ball-less freak.

did you say ball less???
stay high
my cat gained about 15 pounds after he was fixed. fix him now so that he wont remember it as he ages.