Should be harvesting but... With Pics


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

OK. Im growing 8 Arjan's Haze #1 1 of them is almost ready to be harvested i.e. 70-80% red pistils. However, the Triches are 80% milky 20% clear. I know I should wait till the Triches are 50% or so amber but I cant see any amber ones, maybe just 1 or 2 over the whole plant. The budding phase for this plant is 8-11 weeks, I am at 8 weeks of budding now.

The other problem is I have no more fan leaves only the leaves on the buds itself, and even those are dying now so I had to cut them down. The plant is REALLY thin now with only the buds showing. This plant I am talking about looks like its the firs one to be ready for harvest, before any of the others, so Im worried it will die on me before the Triches are 50/50 amber.

I am using MG Bloom 1 scoop of the small end with 2 gallons of water with every feed and leaching every 2-3 weeks. I think I may have nute burnt it. What do you think?

The plants are under 12/12 HPS lights. Any ideas?


It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
You don't really have a choice at this piont. They are not ready so until they are you shpuld just keep doing what you are doing until they die and you hang them to dry or they finish and you hang them to dry. Don't stress over that which you have no control grasshopper.....


Well-Known Member
It all depends on what type of high you are looking for. You don't have to harvest when the trichs are 50/50 amber. That only means you would have an all around buzz (cerebral and body buzz). If you were to harvest now at 80% milky 20% clear then you would have a more "up" high. But you're plants look ready. They have swollen, and are now sucking up as much nitrogen as they can out of the plant. Normally when you see a couple of amber trichs it means the plant has reached it's max potention for oil production. I would wait just a few days, I don't think the plant will die, check your trichs then harvest.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guysa.

I would wait just a few days
I haven't stopped the fret as I should do 2 weeks before harvest so is that OK since you say I should wait a couple of days then cut it down. Remember I am only talking about this plant not the others, since this one is looking the frailest and Im worried about it.

check your trichs then harvest.
I have been checking them for a while now, no change except for the couple of amber trichs over the WHOLE plant. How much change is there gonna be in the next couple of days. Should be I be looking for something specific? Or just cut it down in a few days regardless? I guess no more fert for this particular plant right?


The Gardener
Man its natural for your fan leaf to fall of just b4 harvest looks like your plants got a bit of nute burn also nothing 2 worry about 2 much flush your plants keep them on water for the next week or so then harvest them

take it easy ......


The Gardener
Sorry m8 i just re looked see them plants with no leafs on them really chop them down now and dry them theres no need or point to let them grow any longer u will mybe end up with nothing if u do so


Well-Known Member
hmm intersting shoot2kill. Thanks for the input. As I said this particular plant is the worst of the lot. The others more or less have enough foliage, albeit only just a bit more than this one, to keep them going a bit more. I agree the plants have been nute burned. But you think I should chop them ALL down now?


The Gardener
No man let the 1s with follage finish you will need to flush them b4 harvest any way so flush them and let them finish.
The others with hardly any follage chop them an dry em there is,ent going 2 be any more changes thats as good as they,ll get


Well-Known Member
Thanks shoot2kill I guess the 2 with very little foliage which are burned anyway will be coming down tomorrow. Ill leave the ones that still have more green and not burned foliage for 10-14 days and flush 'em. Thanks for all the help lets hope the smoke is ok.


Well-Known Member
Normally when you see a couple of amber trichs it means the plant has reached it's max potention for oil production.
But wont that mean that I wont have the "optimum" amount of THC in the buds to make me get stone. As you say when the trichs start to go amber they have reached thier "potential" to start to make oil. Wont less oil result is a not-as-good-high?


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

A short note to tell you how we did after your advice. We cut that really skinny one down and trimmed the buds as you can see from the pictures we got a decent amount of bud, nothing like what we have seen in pictures of other buds on this forum but decent enough for our first grow I guess, besides this is the lowest yielding plant we have and we have another 7 sensimilias still growing so all looks good.

We started smoking some of the trich-rich leaves and got a bit high. We then started to smoke some of the buds we 'accidentally' :hump:cut off while manicuring and let me tell you he :joint: was great!

Thanks to all who helped us in this endevour. Pics attached


