Shotgun shells near my grow site!!!


Well-Known Member
Anyone know what types of animal are hunted this time of year and for how long?

Found a couple of rusty shells within reasonable distance of my grow patch.


Well-Known Member
geese are what they are from i bet byt could be ducks.
depending on state your in shotguns are used in bird and for shitty shots


Well-Known Member
The land is private but is not far from a gypsy site.

Ive collected 4 shells altogether now

2x 5mm depth brass looking end, no.12 stamped on them with stars
1x 10mm depth brass looking end, no.12 'gamebore' stamped on it
1x 6-7mm depth brass looking end, no12 'lyalvale' stamped on it.

I know there are rabbits in the area but its also close to a public road so 'legit' hunters im guessing wouldn't aim a shotgun so low down with possible vehicles driving past. I remember a film when I was younger about a boy that went through the woods 'wacking' birds to make them fly out.... been having visions of someone stumbling upon my patch trying to scare birds up...


Well-Known Member
ive been near there looking for more 'patchs' stumbled upon a burnt out car with hundreds if not thousands of spent shotgun shells sliding down the hill to it. countless animal bones and ive gotta say, I would not be so hasty to return.


Well-Known Member
for a few hundred quid you can get motion sensitive cameras that are totally camouflaged. Maybe good for sussing the area out and getting some piece of mind!


Well-Known Member
I have one I got from ebay. it can only hold 7days of low res footage but for 75 I didn't complain till the rain got in it... maybe a possibility for the future though, income this time of year is spent very tightly so maybe have to set a few man made devices. Ive even left heavy objects lying around and took pictures to see if any have been moved on my return.

all I can think to do is a. find somewhere else (but this is a really good location)
b. carry on and just not keep my hopes up...