Well-Known Member
I have been flowering this auto for 5weeks now and its not budding up much, I posted in the Harvesting section and I got replys saying not enough lights.
I have 7 lights 5 23w 2700ks and 2 30w 6400ks, surly 7 lights is enough to flower 1 plant.?
Maby the 2700ks arnt exackly 2700ks as it wernt marked on the pakage but there alot yellower in colour than the 6400ks, could this cause the problem.?

I have 7 lights 5 23w 2700ks and 2 30w 6400ks, surly 7 lights is enough to flower 1 plant.?
Maby the 2700ks arnt exackly 2700ks as it wernt marked on the pakage but there alot yellower in colour than the 6400ks, could this cause the problem.?