Short Season Bi - Yep Thats Right We Got a Hermaphrodite


Well-Known Member
Wats up everyone and a special howz it to all my Hawaii growers.

Well anyways I got a plant that I started wayyy late last year. Started 3 plants from seed probably about the start of November. I had 2 that made it past the first few weeks.

Well anyways long story short, I had 1 Male and 1 Female. I killed the male as soon as I sexed it and now only have the female.

But stupid me didn't think about seeding the plant and getting alot of beans for my '09 grow. So anyways, as with the laws of nature would have it my girl knew she was the only one left to continue on, shed has turned hermie. She started flowering about a week if not 2 weeks ago. She has good female bud sites all over with male pollen sacks opening already all over the plant.

Got a Few Questions. I know that hermie seeds are most likely going to grow into Hermi Plants, so Is it worth even keeping the seeds from this hermie I have now?

I'm going to let it finish no matter what because It aint like its hurting anything letting it seed itself and finish off.

Have any of you let a hermie fully finish? Whats the THC content compared to female of the same strain?

And would You guys suggest making Hash from this girl/guy since I aint gonna get true sensimilla?

Well anyways its dark out so I can't take pics, But I will post some nice pics tomorrow with the digital and get some nice shots of a hermi plant for all of you people that haven't seen one before.

Well anyways Aloha and good night. :weed:
Wats up everyone and a special howz it to all my Hawaii growers.

Doing good brah. I wish you could say the same? Don't l get down on yourself, not all is bad!

Got a Few Questions. I know that hermie seeds are most likely going to grow into Hermie Plants, so Is it worth even keeping the seeds from this hermie I have now?

Damn right it's worth keeping around ,especially if you're like me and live in a rural area. As you know seeds aren't easy to come by in our areas. Keep all the seeds your selfed plant made. Listen Craca 102, selfed plants aka "hermies",will never produce male seeds. You are sitting on a Gold mine of seeds. They will either be all female or all hermies...but not a single male should sprout from your hermie seed stash!!!:clap:

I'm going to let it finish no matter what because It aint like its hurting anything letting it seed itself and finish off.

excellent idea Craca, I'm mean what's it gonna hurt anyway,right?

Have any of you let a hermie fully finish? Whats the THC content compared to female of the same strain?

it's a lot lower. Like I said, energy went into seed production. Of course it's not gonna be kick-ass weed. But it will be better than "high school weed" though! Seriously though, it's potency mostly went into seed production.

And would You guys suggest making Hash from this girl/guy since I aint gonna get true sensimilla?

hell know!

Well anyways its dark out so I can't take pics, But I will post some nice pics tomorrow with the digital and get some nice shots of a hermi plant for all of you people that haven't seen one before.

Well anyways Aloha and good night. :weed:
sry to hear about your hermie. But then again i wold just smoke it up, if you dont like it, then turn it into hash, or sell it. Whatever the case you got a hole lotta femaleseeds to plant next time brah!
I just burned some hermie Mango Kush yesterday. It was ok.. but like Puna said, all energy goes into the seed...and they were big black seeds.... I can just imagine if it were sensi.whewww!~
Thanks for the advice Puna.

I was going to remove a few of the pollen sacks to hopefully save some seedless bud sites. Is that even worth it?

I assumed the THC production was going to slack due to the increase demand from the pollen sacks and then the seeds once fully pollinated.

I'm going to smoke it up no matter what the outcome. Its only in the first weeks of flowering and the crystals are all over the place.

Here's some pics I just took. Used a Nikon Cool Pix 10.0 MegaPixel camera. Couldn't figure out how to get good bud shots. The Macro mode sucks but did ok on the hermie ball/calyx shots.

Here ya go. The Hawaiian Hermie.

The first 1st,3rd,4th Pics are just shots of the girl. The 2nd is a pretty good bud shot. The last on the top row is a good hermie shot along with the next pic.


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