Short ryder and 2 bagseed grow


Hey guys im doing a grow seeds are germinating right now i have 2 narvina short riders ive heard bad things but am going to try them. i do like in alaska and my plan for the short riders is to have them under 24/0 and put them out in the days, to get the alaskan sun. hints why they are all germing now. im using just one 20 watt florecent grow light, i cant afford electricty and am cutting back on that. please follow, and i will post pics when i plant them and they pop from the soil.:sleep:


one SR seed has popped, not one of the three bagseed strains have popped. what a shame. still waiting and will keep updates


no signs of life today. will check up again tonight, but the short ryder seeds i got are undevolped and small. im kinda dissapointed. this was my first buy from a seed bank, and they had good shipping but crappy seeds. not impressed narvina.


ok, out of the 5 seeds from narvina ive planted 3 germinated, been what 2-3 days now and not one has popped from the soil. i planted them tap root down 1 1/2" in the soil, the soil is very damp, and i have suran wrap covering the cups to keep them moist. please, tell me if im doing anything wrong this is only my second grow


one seed has come up from the soil today, a SR. i will be putting it in a window during the day and under a light at night, untill we get 20+ hours of sunlight a day, then it will be in full sun.