Short Ryder 250W


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll! It has been years since I have been on this board and and growing and want to get back into it. I have pretty much only grown outside so this indoor stuff ins somewhat new to me. I have read a shit ton but still have a few questions.

First: Where I live the weather is pretty much perfect right now. Should I move my little girls outside during the day for some natural sun or will moving them back and forth between sun and hps shock them?

Second: I have read that auto flowers do best with 20/4. Is that correct?

Lastly, here are some pictures. As you already know, they are feminized Short Ryder. Of the three seeds I planted, all three have sprouted and look healthy. Here are some pics. Please advise as thought needed and all input is welcome.:leaf:


And here is my current setup. I need to attach the ventilation and carbon filter.



Well-Known Member
i wouldnt transplant from outside to inside that would probably cause a lot of stress and ive been told that you should never transplant more than once--and when you transplant to outside it works best in the morning


Well-Known Member
Here are some better quality pics.

What I meant was moving the plants in their containers outside during the day, not transplanting them back and forth. Should I leave them in the tent or let them get some sunlight during the day?



Well-Known Member
Here is a phone picture of the tent with the ventilation all hooked up. The airflow goes as so: in through the carbon filter with a 6" inline fan, then to the light, then to a second 6" inline fan and out through the top. 101.jpg