shoreline genetics

What kind of smell does she have! She is a beauty!
Sorry for the late reply. I am not too eloquent when describing smells, but to me it's fuel and maybe a hint of lemon. Very old school. Nothing fruity at all. I fucking love it.

Man she is beautiful. Here she is at 7 weeks from flip. I took the small ones in the spring ten weeks, but I don't think this one's going to make it much past nine. I flushed it today.

Good thing I was smart and took a cut... oh, wait, NO I was actually an idiot and didn't lol

Guess it'll be a re-veg attempt, it's damn sure worthy of more runs.

Have 1 female the other I'm waiting show tomorrow have family over and yeah they don't like this shit so I'm turning off lights and everything my sister came from out of town got yall tomorrow kinda early peace not in flower yet
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