shoreline genetics

are maine original blueberry and mother of berries the same? i have heard there is 2 diff mob..
I’m not the definitive expert on that, I talked to a dude a year or two ago that offered it and said it has and will be around and is treasured old blueberry cut. I didn’t have space at the time but he mentioned nothing about another cut by similar acronym.
Dude ive been saying Blueberry is LONG gone.

Ppl argue everytime I say it and always refer me to Stray and Lemon Hoko......that 90s Blueberry is my favorite weed of all time....even the version I smoked in 2006 didnt touch it, but was the closest ive had since.

Ppl dont understand that the ONLY taste or smell was BLUEBERRY to the absolute didnt smell or taste like weed, no earthiness at all, no pine at all.......just blueberry.

So no cross can compete, as other flavors are always present....and todays straight blueberry doesnt even have a blueberry taste at all.......fruity maybe, but no blueberry.

DJs F5 is more chocolate than anything.

So I feel everyones pain on the RKS.....personally, ive had some real nasty smelling stuff that id consider RKS...but I KNOW that its not what ppl who had the original/real deal would consider RKS.

RIP to the lost classics.

And yes piff was brought back and is still but i havent seen the variations it used to have....ive only been seeing 1 pheno of it around, originally there were 5+......the one thats back is good, but not the best pheno of it.
It has to be that things are so refined. People need to hook up a street lamp in a basement closet at 92° and start pheno hunting again.
Pretty sure they’re different. MOB (mother of berries) is a fast finishing purple cultivar. I don’t think any blueberry cut is purple but I could be wrong
right..blueberry is taller stretchier than the mo berries short mid bush. the blueberry had a nice upbeat high and the mo berries is a sleepy time high. lol. i had a blueberry jack, barneys blue cheese and dna kushberry, they all had that good old blueberry flavor!