ShoreGrow Seaweed Fertilizer?


Active Member
Hi everyone.

I am thinking of doing my first grow now that I have a bigger house! I was recently introduced to a product through work funnily enough, and out of nowhere my business partner tells me that his sister is growing four plants in her attic using a product called ShoreGrow Seaweed Fertilizer. He said she used the stuff on two plants and nothing on the others. Now I know this is second hand information but he said that the two with ShoreGrow are bushing everywhere and are noticeably bigger than the other two, and all you have to do is put about an inch of the gel on the stem of the plant every week-two weeks. Has anyone else tried this? Like I said, I am going to be working with this product through my job so I have been trying it on strawberry plants with good results but if it works on MJ, then I am definitely going to be using it from now on! Have a look if you guys want.



Well-Known Member
Yeah it's all about the extracts of seaweed and the salt water. I heard that why that shit is so good is that the atoms in the solution are in a "high spin state" which makes them magnetically attract micro-organisms and other elements to the root system. i dunno that's what I read at least.