shocking a plant by trimming...

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Pot size, root size or anything else does not limit the plants growth.
that's not true. limiting root-mass will limit plant growth, period! just like increasing the amount of medium will enable you to grow larger plants. that's like saying you're going to be able to yield the same from a gallon container as you would from a 5 gallon container. simply not true.


Well-Known Member
I didnt want to say anythign, silky, cause I hate getting yelled at about stupid crap in forums, but, yeah, I seem to remember reading something similar to what you are describing. I wouldnt be using 5 gallon pots if that were the case (if it didnt matter what size they were). I just dont see my last harvest happening with 1 gallon containers...


Well-Known Member
ya ive also heard and believe that the amount of area your roots have has a big part in the plant size,yeild,etc.. i did a outdoor grow last year and had plants in two different sized containers and the ones in smaller containers were about 1 1/2 to 2 feet smaller and they were all started around the same time