shiva skunk girls need help


Active Member
hi guys
so here is the situation
my girls are 30 days around from seed ,they are in biobizz light mix soil ,i use biobizz nutes ,EC 1.4 PH 6.7 .i use blue lab combo meter ,they are under 250 hps lamp ,temp 26°C humidity 50%,
i had them in small airpots before with hydroton on the bottom ,i didnt presoack the hydroton in ph water ,just wash it ,so i repot them in new bigger airpots without hydroton and fresh soil ,
so the girls have folowing problems ,light yellow leaves ,twisted a bit ,the tips pointing down and yellow tips
i grow this strain before without problems and i dont understand whats happening now
i use ghe diamond nectar 1ml on liter ,2ml biogrow,1ml algamic
now i am reading its not nessesary to adjust ph in soil? is it correct ?
maybe u see what i dont
thx for help
:wall::sad: best reagrds



Active Member
The benefit of soil is that it self balances. Water by nature will go up in PH over time so that is why it is necessary to monitor ph closely in hydro. As long as you ph whatever you put into a good soil it will do the rest of the work for you.


Active Member
The benefit of soil is that it self balances. Water by nature will go up in PH over time so that is why it is necessary to monitor ph closely in hydro. As long as you ph whatever you put into a good soil it will do the rest of the work for you.
thx for confirming ,i will just stop to worry about the ph ,i will just mix nutes with bottled water and feed the girls i will try this way ,i just bought bluelab combo meter for 250 euros and now i will use it only for checking ph from time to time ,what a waste of money
thx for time and help


Active Member
Add some bio bloom is you have it. 2ml/l add another 1ml to grow too. It doesn't look to bad, but it looks like it needs a little bit of everything.


Active Member
hey man thx
i will do so i will add bloom to next watering ,we will see,but i will stop mesure ph like crazy ,i will try and mix nutes and feed the girls without adjusting ph
anyway when i add nutes to water its lower the ph level automaticly
thx best regards