Shit shit shit


I have been up and down this area for two days now and i think i have every Def you can have. Like a plant hypocondract

I was using reg. tap water witha PH of 7.5-7.8ph now using a filter

Grape skunk, maui, affgoo
5 gal buckets
FF soil 50/50 OF and HF
Ph was at 7.5-8.0 about a week ago now at 7.3 and trying to get it to 6.5-6.8
39 days and in flower
F.F open s, bestie bloomz, tiger and big bloom. cal/mag, supertrive, Indo bat guano
watering/6.7 Ph water.. Feed every other watering and a flush in beetween feeding with clerex.
Under a 1000watt, l.lumens, agro sun bulb
4x8x7 darkroom 4 plants total in flower atm
temps. Day =76 night =65-63
Humiditey= 50%

grape skunk

starts off on lower leaves, brown/reddish spots


samething as the grape

starting to crul up . and a shot of the super lemon haze in back 2 weeks into flower....shes going to be talllllll and iam scared lol

Now for the shittest shit ever ....poor maui

I think total Mg def. yall tell me and try not to laugh ...

shes wasted huh..... maybe time to but her to bed...

kiss-ass plz help dont want my grape and gooy to look like this bitch :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hmm....I guess all you can really do mis bring that PH down ASAP and let them finish out. It's too late to make any massive recovery, but the bud leaves don't look too bad so they should still finish out okay.


I second Jawbrodt, Only I would water with a ph of 6 or so if my soil ph was +7. with a soil ph so high your locking Nutes up in the soil and the plant cannot get to them. Always water with a low ph because the plants themselves and the microbes that live in the soil raise the ph.


Well-Known Member
Ya, as long as you have SOME fan leaves still alive, even if they're mangled to hell, just finish it off. If you lose all your fan leaves, the bud starts to eat away.


sorry 2nd pic is gooy...

Still wroking on getting the PH stable ..

Thanks for your input guys. But i dont think the maui will make it, starting to spread to bud leaves now and its stopped growing =/

Hopefully i can fugire her out next round and i will have 2 to "play" with this time to see what this bitch likes


Active Member
Why is your ph so high? possibly nute lock out with the high ph and also the ph fluctuating so much. Feed them with the appropriate ph and keep it at that level every time you water/feed. I would flush the crap out of them and then feed with just ph'd water. If you are towards the end of your flowering cycle then just finish out the cycle with water only for a good flushing, if you were planning on this anyways.


Why is your ph so high? possibly nute lock out with the high ph and also the ph fluctuating so much. Feed them with the appropriate ph and keep it at that level every time you water/feed. I would flush the crap out of them and then feed with just ph'd water. If you are towards the end of your flowering cycle then just finish out the cycle with water only for a good flushing, if you were planning on this anyways.

Proly cause its so high out of the tap ...8.0-8.5 in the past few days...not to mention i used some new kinda rock they had at my graden store and come to think of it its a volcanic rock which it causing it rise that high aswell i was using it in place of perlite ...thats my best geuss...I can tell you one thing i wont be using that shit anymore