

Well-Known Member
Fingerprints can easily land you in jail. Police officers carry testing kits in every squad car at all times. These arent expensive kits. Prob cheaper then a belt holster. And my Mammi always told me better to be safe then sorry.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Ok look we all know what you are really asking so lets cut the crap.

First you need to burn the body or dissolve in a big vat of caustic soda, then clean off your prints all over the point of entry on anything made of glass (like the window you peeped in) then you stash a pair of the victims panties in the tire well of her neighbors car. If the body has already been found you'll just have to burn the house down.


Active Member
I love the response this thread is getting! I didn't think they would last more than a few days outside but for my peace of mind since I am going to pay them a visit tomorrow will be wiping them down with some WD-40. It's not the local police so much that I am worried about it is the state ones that have a building right in my town.

They are down and away from my place and the only way I thought of them being able to trace it back to me is through my prints (they have them already) so I just thought I would ask for some advice since I hadn't ever looked into outdoor growing at all. I wasn't sure if that was a way in which people were caught and I had just never heard of it. For the record no bodies are involved :)


Well-Known Member
gdingy, You believe this?
Everytime I have callled the police for cars being broken into, the cops pull a small briefcase out of the back of thier car and take prints. The practice has been around for over 100 years, so I wouldnt discard it so easy.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, a little WD40 and a rag.

In a different incarnation, I was in the habit of wearing surgical gloves, to avoid THC accumulation, of course. The hash from them is GREAT!
It is extremely hard to find a full undamaged finger print, and even if by chance they did find one, it wont matter unless youve got some previous crime on your record and your prints are in the data base. And there isnt just a suitcase of csi shit in every cop car what usually happens is the normal cop will go to the scene first and then call in a forensics van with a police officer trained to take finger prints and look for evidence. Besides all this what cop is going to take prints from a pot? And with most outdoor growing its not the police you need to be afraid, of its the hikers who enjoy free weed.
Smoke a joint and relax.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
just another thought on the topic why not plant them in the ground i imagine they'll be to big to take away soon anyway and planting them will give you bigger breaks between visits also cutting down the risk when visiting?


Active Member
Has anyone heard of someone getting busted this way? I am just curious at this point and might be good info for others in case they are worried about the same in the future. I am not worried about hikers taking some for themselves as I have lived in this house for almost 15 years and have never seen or heard another soul down there unless they were with me. Thanks again everyone for the replies.


I had some friends that would dip the tips of their fingers In rubberized coatig for tools. They used the clear one , they weren't growers. They also never got caught
lol "they werent growers" just your good old fashioned criminals than right? lol :)