Shipping Weed, what's the best way?


New Member
Here, your best solution! Can't go wrong with this! 100% reliable!

Damn i'm high. The first 35 seconds of this is how you get your weed to its destination!! WATCH THIS!



Well-Known Member
Well as a family member of several UPS FED EX DHL Employees, They are ALL randomly screened for drugs.One dude dropped off a package at a house that looked abandoned, and as he was driving away someone opened a door to grab the package and he said DEA flew from every nook and cranny and car around the house. His supervisor never even told him that he was delivering 16 kilos of HEROIN. It was found at the main service Hub and watched all the way to the destination. No one knew about it. He was a little pissed off about it but Whatcha Gonna do?


Well-Known Member
Here, your best solution! Can't go wrong with this! 100% reliable!

Damn i'm high. The first 35 seconds of this is how you get your weed to its destination!! WATCH THIS! quote]

Thanks I just watched 10 minutes of Men in tights.........It was funny LOL

Foxes kick ass. Especially fast ones


Well-Known Member
I would say adbuct a nursery school class, shoot them up with pot, put the sleeping little wuzzies in a bus, transport them, then extract again at destination, throw hans full of sweets into the bushes, and while they are distracted make a break for it... goto 10


Well-Known Member
just a thought send them a case of pepsi, but have a few fake pepsi cans in there u know the 1s that open at the top with storage in them, so pro.


Well-Known Member
I have shipped with success and without. My only recommendation is to not give your real name and address and to whomever you are shipping to make their last name something like "Smith" "Jones" or something similar. Also, if you have a record of any kind, where gloves while packing it....they have been known to lift fingerprints if it is anything that appears to be trafficking. Good luck. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I have shipped with success and without. My only recommendation is to not give your real name and address and to whomever you are shipping to make their last name something like "Smith" "Jones" or something similar. Also, if you have a record of any kind, where gloves while packing it....they have been known to lift fingerprints if it is anything that appears to be trafficking. Good luck. :peace:
Everything I get sent to me comes to another name. I've been getting mail for him since i bought this place 14 years now. Sooo i have it sent to him, that way, if ant trouble, I can sat wtf..I don't know this guy, and when you find him, tell him to send out addy change cards. The reality is that there is no way to control what is sent to you, or who sends it.


Well-Known Member
I would say adbuct a nursery school class, shoot them up with pot, put the sleeping little wuzzies in a bus, transport them, then extract again at destination, throw hans full of sweets into the bushes, and while they are distracted make a break for it... goto 10
you're contribution seems to be the most logical. although I can agree that this idea is probably the safest route; it's risky, because there's a time need those kids back before the parents get off of work.

I think that you should instead abduct pigeons and teach them to transport narcotics. take this to the sky and you'll be worry free, especially if a specimen as trustworthy as a pigeon is used. paint them to match the sky, blue with white. if you feed them, they'll come back. I don't understand why this idea hasn't been brought to the table's the only intelligent approach to solving the problem at hand - how to ship marijuana.


Well-Known Member
do this... if ur driving. get a dremmel and a dremmel blade that cuts steal. go into ur trunk and grab ur spare. let all the air out of ur spare, than cut into the tire using ur dremmel. cut a flap out of the tread (make 3 cuts), put ur stash in the tire than replace the flap along with replacing the spare into the trunk.

EDIT: if u dont mail it.

:leaf: Purpz


Well-Known Member
I think my best bet is going to be to just ship down some joints instead of bud itself. I could package it in a cigg. box or something and just mix it with a few other things I can ship down instead of carrying on the plane. My buddy has a cigg roller I can use that will make them look more real, they just sometimes make 'em too tight. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
one of my roommates sister who lives in AZ hollows out a candle, puts the baggie in the middle and melts the bottom back on. works everytime.


New Member
Why can't you take it on you to get there? You can drive/fly/subway/train/boat anywhere and hide 1/4 on you easily. Even easier is to convert your grass into hash and send/carry that instead.


Well-Known Member
Jeeses, I can just see those flocks of doves going over the mexic border now... you don't know if maybe the mexicans can read english do you?


Well-Known Member
You could try buying something like a hard CD Rom for a computer, hollow parts out, put vaccum sealed and alcohol wiped inside and screw drive back up.

The candle idea seemed pretty good too, the scent and being able to create a solid seal would seem to be a killer combination.