Shipping pollen...


Is it possible to store and ship male pollen? Also would it be considered illegal inside the US? I bought a bunch of feminized auto seeds, thinking I didn't want any males (doh!), and now I'm realizing that I want some males so I can get some seeds to drop.

p.s. anyone wanna ship some nice pollen? :hump:


Well-Known Member
yes you can ship pollen ... here is a guide for collecting. once collected just ship the bag in appropriate packing


Active Member
I really doubt it is legal. You're going into federal law and the feds are still "strictest interpretation of the law".


New Member
come on you guys... illegal? get in trouble?

how the hell would they know what it is in the first place, let alone prove it?

i think as long as you dont write "marijuana pollen" on the outside of the box, youll be okay


Well-Known Member
make one of your girls hermie, use the pollen from it to knock up your other female you want to make seeds with. thats all ya gotta do bro. its also one of the ways people make *feminize* seeds.