Shipping 8oz to Hawaii from Cali


Well-Known Member
I will waste my time, You should not do this. if your sending it to a friend, they are not your friend asking you to take such risks for pot, Tell them to get a connection in state. if your doing it for profit, (8 ozs x $350 or so an oz= not enough money for risk of jailtime/courtcosts etc).
of course everything I say here is just to sound cool I would never have done this :)
about 20 years ago I might have done this but with much less to send, don't know how that ass convinced me to do it, but I risked jail for some asshole to get high, he had just moved and could not find anyone for awhile in new state to get it from.

as for the quote above, I'm not sure if your aware of the current state of the country. But the guberment does not seem to pay attention to laws themselves and makes rules as they go along. How many times in the past 2 decades have you seen the office of the president declare executive privilege when told by a court to hand over information. Torturing people is not only against international law but morally wrong. Oh and to the torture supporters, I know I know they aren't being tortured, waterboarding is only forced drinking of water really fast, or whatever dumb shit you have to say. I don't trust this government at all. and I wouldn't trust my freedom on the idea they need a search warrant to open your letters. Seems with the current state of things they would just claim they thought they saw Arabic letters on the package so to prevent the terrorists from winning we had to violate your freedoms.

don't expect you to listen, see you in 24 months. peace
if you had any idea how many drug packages are successfully sent per day...dude for real this shit really isn't as risky as you think if you do it right. not to mention how easy it is to utilize plausible deniability when receiving packages.

when a drug package gets intercepted the majority of the time people just get a 'love letter' from customs. the only time a controlled delivery would be done is for a large amount of drugs..and even at that point you've still got plausible deniability. if you make sure the package can't be led back to you, then you are safe. idk why everyone is trying to make sending a package of drugs seem like such an impossible task lol.
Stop giving advice. Thr vacum seal part, eh maybe, though there is a better way to do it. But the packages thing, no you are so wrong. My dad worked for ups he was a real higher up there. They need no search warrant or shit, it's implied consent by using the service. Much like driving. I really don't feel like debunking this more and telling him how to do it correctly. Since my dad was the one who taught me how to ship steroids and all for plausible deniability for both buyer and seller, as well as not getting caught with xrays in the off chance you do. But I'm not giving that shit out, since it's utterly ridiculous to send 8oz of weed. But he's gonna do it regardless, so I'd rather he didn't follow useless, wrong, advice.
if you think my advice is useless and dumb then you clearly don't know as much about shipping as you think you do :/ maybe they don't need a search warrant? who knows, i got that from what i believe to be a pretty reputable source (silk road seller's guide). idk why but i feel like whoever wrote that might know a bit more about this than both you and me combined, so you don't need to talk down to me bud, lol.
Hawaii is a risky place to send stuff to. When I worked at Victoria's Secret, customer's would get so mad because you can't ship any kind of liquids (perfumes, body mists and sprays) to Hawaii. Then once the package gets to Hawaii it takes a long time to be shipped out, because of sorting and scanning. We had a lot of angry customers, because it took so long.
So, I guess what I am trying to say, is be careful, and think twice before going thru with it. It may not be worth the risk!