Shielding from infared


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone had any info on fooling infared and flir or whatever. i found a reflector cover that is supposed to work. Any suggestions??


Well-Known Member
FLIR cannot see through walls. Its an urban myth perpetuated by Hollywood. Satelites cannot see through your roof. Growers that get picked up with the FLIR cameras do so because they are venting hot air out at odd places on the outside of their houses. 99% of busts do not come from FLIR though. Although FLIR may be used in the operation on your house it would be used because of other suspicions leading the cops to want to further surveil your house that leads them to utlising a FLIR camera.

That said, safety first.

If you are running a really hot grow room, hot enough to warm a wall of your house hot enough for a FLIR camera to see, then your room temperature is probably killing your plants in the process.

To defeat the FLIR cameras, vent hot air into your ceiling, or if you have to vent outside, run your lights on during the daylight hours as FLIR only works in the dark.

If there is no way you can run lights during the day, and cannot vent into a ceiling or even under your floor, then vent outside where there is an outside light permanently on. FLIR will not be able to distinguish between the heat coming from the light and your vent.


Well-Known Member
they have the technology to look through your walls and whatnots with infra red but its illegal, and invasion of privacy. i know and iraq war vet who says they used that shit alot there in iraq and one night they were doing recon or something and the looked at this barn and there was a guy in there standing on a bucket fucking his horse, god i laffed so hard at that story


Well-Known Member
The stuff they use to track Al Qaeda may be able to do that, but your local DEA dudes wont be able to afford them. Those drones have a couple of million $$$ worth of thermal imaging tech in them, but you have to be Bin Laden's hair stylist to attract that level of attention.


Well-Known Member
yep yep yep
but i really extra dont have to worry about all that cop shit cuz cops up here dont give a shit, when they recriminalized pot in ak the cops said on the news they dident give a rats ass unless your bigtime


Well-Known Member
Thats usually another trick they use to give people a false sense of euphoria. There are plenty of growers that got busted by cops that told them they werent interested in them if theyre only growing say x amount of weed.

In my country theyre on the news saying theyre focussing on some other drug at the moment, but if you read the court pages, 99% of their raids are still growers both small time and bigtime.


Active Member
Top advice,Cheers. So how are 99% of people caught ? Is it from opening their mouths etc ? So basically if your growing 20-50 plants inside its ok if you keep quiet? My mates used to run three 600 watters on 50 plants and the bill was around $400 every 3 months in Victoria. They didnt have any probs.

any other ways to beat the Flir ??? I read somewhere else you could use some kind of double plastic to mask it.



Well-Known Member
So how are 99% of people caught ?
Most of the time its informants. They bust someone who bought some weed from you, or you gave them some weed they get caught and dob you in thinking theyre gonna get off the charge for doing so.

any other ways to beat the Flir ??? I read somewhere else you could use some kind of double plastic to mask it.
Again, its a myth that cops are driving around with gear in their cars that can potentially see through walls. FLIR picks up heat signatures, variations in heat. I guess if you just want peace of mind then leave a decent air gap between your viz plastic and the wall.

But really your greatest threat is who you are giving your smoke away to.


Well-Known Member
Thats usually another trick they use to give people a false sense of euphoria. There are plenty of growers that got busted by cops that told them they werent interested in them if theyre only growing say x amount of weed.

In my country theyre on the news saying theyre focussing on some other drug at the moment, but if you read the court pages, 99% of their raids are still growers both small time and bigtime.
its near leagal here though, in your home under the alaska privacy act your allowed up to 4 ounces and 25 plants for personal use. its cause it used to be fully legal up here until 1990 or something theres so many people that do it and grow it its not even funny its like 60 or 80 percent of the populace or something along those lines. if you think about it theres no commecial crops either it doesnt grow outside all weed in ak is grown indoors. theres a huge demand thats obviously being satisfyed. its not hard to find here and theres lots of old school people. bags a always 3.3 to 3.5 for 40 bux. you can get some mt veiw bags that get down to like 2.9. but yeah i havent been out of weed in almost a year yesterday was the first day i hadnt at least smoked a bowl.


Active Member
well shit where i live we just opened up a new dea department and they have just been flying around looking at houses trying to bust people. this guy i know was just runnning 1 400watt hps and the cops came to his door asking him what he had in his house that would trigger an infared scanner and he told them some bullshit and they came back the next day with a search warrent but he had gotten rid of everything.


Well-Known Member
its just so infrared shit doesnt go in to your room and effect the light bulbs... or soming like that dude.

It still picks of the heat.........


Well-Known Member
No doubt if he was venting his heat out the side of the house they would have been able to pick it up on the thermal imager. But that doesn't give them grounds for a raid. What they'll do then is go knock on your door and get you to open it. As soon as you do they will lie and say they can smell pot, go back and get a warrant and raid your house.

Again, thermal imaging can't see through walls. A 400 watt HPS will have less of a signature on the wall of your house than an internal light does on a curtain. If that being the case there would be 100 raids an hour all based on thermal imaging leading to search warrants.

Reality is 99% of search warrants come from narcs dobbing you in which lead them to come look at your house, your power bill, scanning your house for abnormal heat venting, and rifling through your rubbish bin for more evidence to add to the information given to them by the narc.