Coyote ugly morning doob? LmfaI think I picked her up a bar one night
Can't have that. Doing what they like in spite of public opinion is too profitable... for them.She is such an idiot.
Spending $7 on anti drug nonsense is to much nevermind 7 million.
I really hope i live long enough to see the days were politicians need a 51% percent vote on things before wasting all our money.
Dinosaurs like this bitch should just fuk off somewhere and go educate herself before opening her mouth.
We live in a technological age with instant results.
Stop guessing what people want ask them to vote on issues.
I would like that post 10 times if I could. Your best ever Hippy.I could still cry over loosing Frank Zappa...we so needed him in the future. I loved everything he stood for and how he did it. Such outrageous songs that the prudes and stuck-ups loathed him. Just like they he wanted them too. People trying to tell other people how too live....fuck that man.
And my other hero too, John Lennon. John was just beginning to find himself when he was takin down by scum. He had issue's earlier in the 70's but I still think he was gonna be a great leader for many good things in the future. He had huge potential power. He just hadn't learned to harness it.....YET. He certainly had the ability to influence millions. What a waste. I think John Lennon was one of the greatest humans we have ever had on this planet. And it would have become much more apparent if he had lived.I feel he really cared about humanity and would have been a force.
They both were gonna lead the good fight.
Imagine Zappa, Lennon, Bono , Dylan ,and Neil Young ( or Angus Young LOL ) all banding together. What a force. I Love Angus Young laying on his back spinning and playing....hahaI would like that post 10 times if I could. Your best ever Hippy.
Poodle bites.......Poodle Chews it......Late nite at Taco Town in Bridgeport .......Baked. Or At Big Johns at 3am......... Baked or at Sonnies putting up with Bobby at 3 am Baked.Like your momma make that nasty poodle do ....
I could not agree more
Just listened to that guitar solo twice
The wawa part is classic
Yup in a small way I never really got over it. Just was sick it was him. He was comng together so well. Why do all my Hero's get killed ?Lennon is my utmost hero. I remember where I was when I was told he was killed. We all wore black armbands to school that day. I dont put many on a pedastal but I do with Lennon.
An amazing band was the Travelling Wilburys. Harrison, Petty, Orbison, Lynn and Dylan. Still blows me away to think those 5 got together. I bet the doobs were flying at those sessions
Then tooshie, rnr and minnow should reach 100 or 150 I'd sayCause only the good die young. Its why me, you and Dizzy are still kickin lol!
I'm good...and very honest.Cause only the good die young. Its why me, you and Dizzy are still kickin lol!