SHES DYING.. i need ur help! (pics)


Well-Known Member

it has been like this for a few days, can someone please tell me whats the problem?? how can i save her?? shes been getting worse every hour today.. is it burnt from high temp or is it some kind of deficiency? or overwatering/underwatering??
lights: CFL= 2x(36W 6500K) 1x(14W 860K). temp: 80-90.



Well-Known Member
try this:
Demand watering approach - use your finger to test the soil down to the second knuckle. When the soil is dry add water until some flows out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot. Repeat. You'll typically find you water every 2 - 4 days.


Well-Known Member
thanx... so ill just leave her and she'll be alright ?
desertrat, are u sure that this method is good for small plants? because i used to fill the soil with water but then the leaves droop even if i water every 4 days..
i then heard that i should just spray water on the surface to moist the soil, not drown it?


Well-Known Member
thanx... so ill just leave her and she'll be alright ?
desertrat, are u sure that this method is good for small plants? because i used to fill the soil with water but then the leaves droop even if i water every 4 days..
i then heard that i should just spray water on the surface to moist the soil, not drown it?
then your soil is not draining well enough. you'll have to add something like perlite to improve it when you transplant.


Well-Known Member
First off make sure your soil is draining. Did you poke a few holes in the bottom of the cup you have it in?

Secondly, you don't feed seedlings like you do a normal plant. You want to give them about 15-30ml of plain water directly at the base of the plant. This will keep the tap root moist but still force it to grow new feeder roots to seek water.

Give it a proper watering about every 5 days and then you can start regular feedings of water and 1/4 organic nutes maybe 2 weeks after they pop from their seeds. Then you do drench the soil and let it drain. As long as you're draining properly it's cool. Just don't pour a bunch of water at once, do it slowly, give the soil mix time to absorb some water and let the remainder drain off.