She got smegma on my plants!!


Active Member
SO what's up, I know I've been slacking hardcore here but priorities....

OK This is just a quick update on the northern lights outside. their doing awesome. The nugs have been swelling out nicely as well as building crystals!

As stated before I said I haven't noticed a difference in fertilizers, but now I can see the difference. The NL1 has literally double the crystals on the nugs compared to NL2. BUT on the other side NL2 appears to have just slightly bigger nugs, I'm not sure how this is gonna turn out.

They haven't grown much in size the last couple of days which surprises me because honestly theirs not alot of nugs on these for 2ft plants but oh well i got northern lights! :-o

I have been steading feeding them every 4ish days. I haven't needed to water in like 2 weeks because it's been nothing but rain which is scary. My last outdoor grow I lost half of my harvest to budrot. NOT HAPPENING AGAIN! I've been bringing them in at night to dry off. Every day I give them the good shake to get that water out of their. And about a week ago I sprayed them with some supposed budmold preventer... Not sure about this which is why I've only used it once especially this far into flowering.

I don't think I have much longer on these which surprises me quit a bit at only being 56 days from seed. My last few auto's were usually 75-85days old when harvested. I'm still holding on though hoping they swell more. Even though I am a couple weeks away I will NOT be cutting off nutes. I don't believe in flushing (I've ran an experiment on three plants two flushed differently and one left alone, After a 2week cure I did a blind taste test for all my friends and girlfriend, needless to say they all tasted pretty much the same and the numbers were all over on who thought which one was not flushed, their was no real pattern in the picks thus to me flushing doesn't matter.) ok so the trichs are all milky and have been for a few days, except for a few lower nugs that are laggin behind a bit. Their are still some hairs that are white but the pistols aren't as swollen as they once were...

The indoor plants are sleeping once awake I will post an update:

Here's some pics thats the only thing we care about anyways.



Active Member
Ok so just to bring us all up too date. I switched to 12/12 4 days ago since I'm already about to cut it close on height but I'll worry about that when that comes.

Im still on a steady feed schedule, the same as usual.
I LSt'd LA confidential some more and it's literally half the height of the other two which were topped and FIM'd. Won't know what's best for me till harvest but I'm really likeing how the FIM'd plant looks!
Other than that not much else or exciting to talk about, and probably wont for another 6weeks or so...



Active Member
Just a picture update, all plants inside have their pistols and you can see their forming the budsites:hump:. My NL's are swelling and puttin on weight everyday. Let's see em:



Active Member
All look amazing, NL1 is turning more and more purple everyday but still has barley any amber trichs so Im gonna try and ride it out. We've been getting hit with storms the last 4 days so they have been inside under flourescents (not the best for during flowering) but I have not other choice other than chop which Im not a fan of so soon. The NL1 still literally has double the crystals as NL2. I think NL2 is behind about 2weeks so It's either that pheno type from that one seed or the difference in nutes is making it's appearance.

My inside plants are all strong and forming nice buds, hopefully they don't grow much taller as my light is at it's highest point and I have about 10" of canapy space, I may be bending if they keep growing. LA isn't a problem since the LSTing technic has worked wonders and the plant is half the size BUT im not sure how the bud ratio is gonna weigh out. It's almost seeming like the nutes the LA and NL1 are getting are pushing out more crystals but are smaller in amount of buds. But like my NL1 the LA is literally double in resin and trichs compared to the BW and WS. So this leads me to believe that the nute difference is making a difference after all. since both plants with that particualr nute have way more crystals unless someone else can explain this too me. Im probably gonna feed NL1 one last time then go straight water for the last week, I won't bother with a flush since In my experience I haven't found any difference.

As seen in the first picture I've set my flowering tent up to be able to dry my autos as well. I would do them in the rafters of the garage but I've had roofers and remodelers over so I gotta keep the smell contained in the tent with my carbon filter. I know it's said to not dry in the tent but I don't have much of an option. I feel like it will be ok though, I have a hanging net herb dryer with a light proof curtain blocking the light from the net. The temps in the day are 76 to 66 at night. My humidity used to be high but now I can't seem to bring it above 25% I know not a major complaint Im just worried about my buds drying too fast.


Dr High

Well-Known Member
Usually my plants depending on the strain reach about 1/3 to 1/2 its size 2-3 weeks after switching.
Your plants look lush and beautiful.. you're doin a good job i see, love the N1's and N2's
I would worry about the humidity level for drying, but what the hell can you do eh? Good luck to you sir!



Active Member
Usually my plants depending on the strain reach about 1/3 to 1/2 its size 2-3 weeks after switching.
Your plants look lush and beautiful.. you're doin a good job i see, love the N1's and N2's
I would worry about the humidity level for drying, but what the hell can you do eh? Good luck to you sir!

Yea Im not sure what Im gonna do about the humidity I may just go as far as to put a couple bowls of water in the tent and see if that does anything. The only thing is im gonna have to watch it pretty closely that way.

Yea they are looking good Im really excited about the Northern lights Im just not sure how much longer it's gonna be. I haven't seen much bud growth in the last week or two. It's just turning more purple so im assuming it's getting close. But my other one doesn't really have any trace of purple so it's further behind or it's something else. The trichs have been cloudy for 2 weeks and theirs maybe 1% amber.

Looking amazing man... im still watching that White Siberian intently... cant wait for a smoke report
Don't worry Their will be one. That one is looking good Im hoping for some good main colas on that one.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Closing in on harvest, the purple is either genetics or cold temps... i would bet on genetics, although ive never heard of purple northern(or seen)


Active Member
I would like too but It's been raining almost a week straight and there outside So im pushing getting mold. WHich happened on my last crop So I may just chop the one furthest along now. It's weird about the purple though because the one has it and the other doesn't...

Dr High

Well-Known Member
I would like too but It's been raining almost a week straight and there outside So im pushing getting mold. WHich happened on my last crop So I may just chop the one furthest along now. It's weird about the purple though because the one has it and the other doesn't...
Purple NL pheno? Anyone can fill us out on that one?


Active Member
So that purple is only more purple and the other has not any trace. So it's either two different phenos or the nutes. WE'll see what happens inside when the LA starts closing in, if it's turning purple as well then Im sure it's the nutes. Anyways we finally got like 5days of no rain and sunshine. Previously I had to bring em in for a few days under flouro's but Im not about to do that all over again. Were set for another 8 days of rain so Im just chopping the two NL's tomorrow morning. THis morning I just put them in the basement for a day in the dark then tomorrow morning I will trim them up and hang. Pictures to follow. It's a shame that Im cutting just a tad early but I will still have some bomb ass nug.

Oh yea another reason for my chop is that in the last day or two I noticed a small mold spot on one of my nugs on both plants and it's been dry so if it's about to start raining for days Im not taking the chance.


Sounds like a good decision all things considered. I'm sure they'll still make for an amazing smoke even if it's a bit earlier than you'd like. Looking forward to seeing how the harvest goes.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
Yeah man, just a different pheno!

Sweet deal man, your NL is looking delicious... :mrgreen:

+rep for the lovely harvest.



Active Member
Yeah man, just a different pheno!

Sweet deal man, your NL is looking delicious... :mrgreen:

+rep for the lovely harvest.

Thanks for the love Dr. Yea Im pretty stoked how these turned out but it really makes me wonder if autos are a waste or not. I started these seeds the same time as my reg photo's inside and the ones inside a month away from being done... There also like 3x the size of an auto. BUt for me auto's are just something fun to supplement smoke in between my main harvests. I got 91g wet off of NL1 and 141g. wet off of NL2. According to my journal and previous harvests. I normally loose an average of 34% weight after the dry. NOw Im not sure if my calculations are 100% correct or not so we will find out. But if that's the case Then I should get close to 2 zips which will hold me over untill my inside ones are done. Can't wait to update with a smoke report in a couple weeks!