She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!

Palin is guilty, Palin abused her power. I bet little Bristols boyfriend is feeling the excitement on this one. We all know when he ditches out of the relationship I bet he turns up dead, or just doesn't turn up ever again.

Palin will never be president, she'll be too busy being someones bitch in the big house ( that's prison, not actually a house you know).
When a parent has a handicapped child they receive social security for the child and a second check for the parents as "caretakers" I'm guessing she's probably pulling down about 2 grand a month in benefits for that child. Who would run out and abort their ATM machine?

The woman should have figured out what a condom was instead, we all know she didn't run out giving them to her daughter.

You're sick Chester.
Pro-lifers don't want to help raise the kids, they just want to keep their noses in the business of everyone else.

Pro-lifers never have much to say about how child neglect and murder are on the rise either.

Pro-lifers are just concerned with the baby being born, once the kid pops out, they don't give a flying fuck if it has food, clothes or a place to live. :roll:
i think they do to get to heaven
really? So you just can't admit she fucked up. How about when she is impeached? What if they put her in prison, then can you believe it?

Don't make me spend the night copying and pasting all the stupid shit you've said in her defense. I'm feeling a bit manic tonight, I could easily to it you know.

:lol: Its gonna be a pleasure listening to you, Med, and all the other leftist loony-bins on this site bitch about impeaching Palin over the next eight years. :clap:

:lol: It aint over till ....



Some people just don't deserve medical care. I mean, they don't have money, so they should just go die. They call that "compassionate conservatism". As opposed to the uncompassionate kind, of course.