She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!

The terrorists did about 100 billion dollars worth of damage and killed about 3000 people. This alone is nowhere near enough to destroy our country. Virtually all the damage done to our nation after this point was self-inflicted.

Our choices weren't to either do nothing or go ape shit on the middle east. We could have simply increased our airport security and deposed the Taliban in Afghanistan. If we hadn't wasted all our resources on Iraq we may have even captured bin Laden. But the fact remains that we've used Islamic extremism as a scapegoat for a lot of our other problems that have nothing to do with terrorism or Al Qaeda.

100 billion in one fell swoop? You don't say.

What about Kuwait?

(click on the map)
Following 7 months of occupation a U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraqi-occupied Kuwait. After only a few days of fighting Saddam Hussein pulled his troops from the country on February 26, 1991. Since then February 26 has been celebrated as a second Independence Day or Liberation Day.
if what you describe as killin him was livin through the debate yeah he killed him, dam john mccain looks like he ages years by the day, he looked like he could barely walk, he also looked like he was walking like he had a diaper on. he looks older than my grandfather and hes 90. i cant beleive people really want a fossil and his orderly runnin this country,
if what you describe as killin him was livin through the debate yeah he killed him, dam john mccain looks like he ages years by the day, he looked like he could barely walk, he also looked like he was walking like he had a diaper on. he looks older than my grandfather and hes 90. i cant beleive people really want a fossil and his orderly runnin this country,

Yeah, he's one mangled old dude. Poor thing, torture and all. Too bad they didn't kill him, huh?
100 billion in one fell swoop? You don't say.

What about Kuwait?

(click on the map)
Following 7 months of occupation a U.S.-led coalition invaded Iraqi-occupied Kuwait. After only a few days of fighting Saddam Hussein pulled his troops from the country on February 26, 1991. Since then February 26 has been celebrated as a second Independence Day or Liberation Day.
Iraq invaded our allies. Hence, Desert Storm. I'm not arguing with that. It's that other Iraq war I have the problem with.
"she really knocked it outa the park though with a wink an a smile man! shes the real deal wether you agree with her opinions or not shes not fake at all."

lay off the smoke for a while.
Don't know if I'd go quite THAT far.....:mrgreen: (kidding)

Seems the whole damn country could use a joint right now......:joint:

Politicians, the only "real" thing about any of them is the hot air all of them blow out of their mouths.

Regardless of who they are helping, the fact remains that for every group they help, another group is going to get shafted, and its entirely possible for a group they are helping to get shafted, too.
whats governer of alaska gonna do as vice prez lol stupid really fucken stupid she needs to go back to her old job
Yeah, changing diapers on her challenged child. Will someone please tell me why aborting a child like that is a crime. That child does not even know it is alive. All you religious nutcases must agree, it would be better for all concerned to have sent this spirit on to God, no?