She F'n killed him! Are you F'n blind! Yes!

You also have an amazing ability to repeat yourself.
You didn't seem to watch the link. And I HAVE to repeat myself, obviously those on the right are kinda thick. Took I don't know how many times with big letters to get it thru that I didn't like Obama and that I wasn't a dyke canadian. I figure you are the same way.

Besides, YOUR side seems to think if they think if they keep repeating something over and over makes it true, how come the rest of us can't use that tactic?:blsmoke:
As far as the cookies, no thanks. You don't have enough of anything to make me sell my convictions.
Trust me, I ain't no fucking girl scout. We GIVE them away.
As far as your right to do as you see fit with your womb, I haven't said that you don't, so why are you even mentioning it?
The same reason you mentioned Fannie and all your other shit. Cuz it proves my point.

Is it not true that the right wants to dictate to me (and my daughters) how to use our wombs, whether or not I am allowed to get an abortion if I get pregnant, AND they are tryin to determine whether or not even my daughters have a right to their body, they must ABSTAIN until they are married and ready to have kids, I guess. Of course, it would be far better if the guys did some ABSTAINING as well, ( but that isn't the focus, since us girls acually have the babies we are the problem) us chics don't get pregnant masterbating, but without birth control or sex education the guys get to have all the fun and the girls family is left to figure out what to do with an unwanted baby.... Yeah, sure, fair.:roll:
Alright well, can we change the subject back to what it was before the enforcers stop this link for people being..... whatever you want to call it.

I got to thinking. You know how people say that the election is already bought and paid for. That our votes don't matter. Well, I'm churning the possibility of that being true in my head. If they are putting on a show to make us believe our vote matters. I'm not old enough to remember too many elections before this one, but I have noticed a pattern. It seems whoever wins the election is usually the first to come out strong and hard, and the looser is the one that usually retaliates. Do you think our country has gotten bad enough through republican presidents that its just time for a democrate and we are being led by the nose with Obama and McCain and Palin are just for show? Is that why the Democratic 'debate' between Hillary and Obama was such a big deal and yet I didn't really hear much about the republicans.
I'm not real politically up on things (for lack of better terms), but standing on the outside being neutral and just watching, I can't help but notice how our attention has been led. Just being a person that doesn't follow things, I heard alot about Obama and his plans before I heard anything from the republicans. All I really heard was waiting to see who the were going to have run for president, and even than time passed before any of this got heated and the republicans were doing any speaking out.

I wish we could find some stupid online bet on who we think is going to win..... I'd put mine on Obama. Not because of any of the issues, but just the media alone.
Wow, I had to go back and read the last posting a little slower to absorb all the jibberish and 'point making'. Come on people, our world is collapsing around us and this is what we find to argue about when it comes to elections? I'm a woman that understands how you feel, but the picture is way bigger than that. Your womb and the womb of your children are in your world. You have way more control over that than you seem to think. Instead of worrying about abortion or who thinks your a dyke (hello... its the internet, who cares). Worry about being a responsible person not getting pregnant and teach your children the same and this wont be such a huge issue for you. You can control when and how you have sex. Its about making the right decisions.
What about our relations with the rest of the world so we can avoid another 9/11? How about getting our economy back in shape to assure your children will have jobs and health care? I'm not trying to make any mad or offend anyone, I just think we all need to step back and take a bigger look at things, more fully responsible choices for everyone. And I think people need to educate themselves better. For instance, are you aware that an 'assult rifle' is exactly this...

An individual weapon with provision to fire from the shoulder.
Capable of selective fire.
Intermediate-power cartridge between pistol and traditional rifle.
Ammunition is supplied from a detachable box magazine.
Fires from a closed bolt with the breech locked.

I'm a deer hunter, and by definition, my family and I hunt with assult rifles. And before anyone gets all wishy washy about deer hunting, do your homework on what would happen if people didnt hunt now that thier natural preditors are gone. Some people have it in them to hunt, others do not. But things have to die if we are going to eat. And I agree, regulations are good. So is what some states have decided to do about hunters safety. Absoluty. However, I'm a firm believer...'if guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns'. Besides, I think we should also be able to conceil and carry (provided regulations). I guarentee our crime rate would drop incredibly. People are going to be a lot less likely to rob or rape you if theres even a chance you may be carrying. But than again, I think we should bring back public display.
This is incorrect information. The was debunked on the news this morning.

Obama received campaign contributions from Fannie employees not from the company itself.

What you failed to mention what that McCain received 10 times the amount of what Obama received from Fannie corporate officers and lobbyists.

That's right people, for every dollar Obama received from an employee McCain received 10 from management.

It sure stinks up the place when you learn the real truth. :blsmoke:

Obama and his advisors, Franklin "Millions from Fannie" Raines and James Johnson are the same people that made millions from this crisis. What was Obama doing, suing firms like CitiBank for not providing enough Subprime Mortgages, and what caused this Crisis, Subprime Mortgages and their Securitization.

If Obama pried his mouth away from Fannie's fannie I'd be impressed, of course, that would require him to take his hands out of Fannie's pockets.

*looking around for those fucking cookies* how the hell do you get fudge filling inside a choc chip cookie? That is a skill I'd like to learn.

Ehhh, you just got da munchies. Chocolate chocolate chip, with fudge filling. (Me, I wanna BLEED chocolate. Second favorite chemical.)

The teen pregnancy epidemic is a lot larger than you all can seem to grasp. The world in already overpopulated, the last thing we need here in the US is more children that the parents don't even want. It's going to be even harder to convince teens to be smart about pregnancy and prevention now that Palins pregnant teenager has been all over the news. Whether you people like it or not, parading that pregnant girl around has made teen pregnancy even more attractive to those lonely girls out there who feel unwanted and unloved that a baby will make all that go away.

The worst part of the teen pregnancy epidemic is the children of the teen parents. Most of them are dressed like little street bums most of the time. They have speech issues, head lice, and are dragged around while the parents are still living out their teenagehood. There are the select few teen parents that actually take care of their kids, but most of them, once the new wears off are just a burdon to the teen parent. We need to wake up and realize that some day in the not to distant future these kids of teen parents are going to be adults. If their parents didn't teach them to be worthy adult because they themselves did not learn, we're going to have an unimaginable mess on our hands.

Wow, I'm a woman that understands how you feel, but the picture is way bigger than that. Your womb and the womb of your children are in your world. You have way more control over that than you seem to think. Instead of worrying about abortion or who thinks your a dyke (hello... its the internet, who cares). Worry about being a responsible person not getting pregnant and teach your children the same and this wont be such a huge issue for you. You can control when and how you have sex. Its about making the right decisions.
I hear ya, I really do. And I agree. But if birth control was made free and confidencial for teens (females), that would be a lot better solution. How about a free next day pill? How about a 5 year nor-plant? You make a 5 year solution available to teenage girls for free and I guarentee a lot would jump on the opportunity. I'm just saying with so many other options, abortion is not on the top of my list. Yeah, I know we can't stop the stupid people that are breeding in drones. But with other options, we could put a huge dent in it without endangering the health of young girls. Are you aware of what an abortion does to the reporductive system of a young, developing woman? And yes, I think it should stay legal. Woman get raped and end up getting pregnant. Birth control doesn't always work. But if your just worried about abortion and not the terrible shape of our economy, people won't have jobs for those abortions. And if we don't worry about another 9/11 or bigger, our popluation control problem won't really be a problem.

I hear ya, I just think we can do better. Thats all.
Alright well, can we change the subject back to what it was before the enforcers stop this link for people being..... whatever you want to call it.

I got to thinking. You know how people say that the election is already bought and paid for. That our votes don't matter. Well, I'm churning the possibility of that being true in my head. If they are putting on a show to make us believe our vote matters. I'm not old enough to remember too many elections before this one, but I have noticed a pattern. It seems whoever wins the election is usually the first to come out strong and hard, and the looser is the one that usually retaliates. Do you think our country has gotten bad enough through republican presidents that its just time for a democrate and we are being led by the nose with Obama and McCain and Palin are just for show? Is that why the Democratic 'debate' between Hillary and Obama was such a big deal and yet I didn't really hear much about the republicans.
I'm not real politically up on things (for lack of better terms), but standing on the outside being neutral and just watching, I can't help but notice how our attention has been led. Just being a person that doesn't follow things, I heard alot about Obama and his plans before I heard anything from the republicans. All I really heard was waiting to see who the were going to have run for president, and even than time passed before any of this got heated and the republicans were doing any speaking out.

I wish we could find some stupid online bet on who we think is going to win..... I'd put mine on Obama. Not because of any of the issues, but just the media alone.
You shoulda watched more FOX TV. It was all about the republicans, well that and anti-democratic.
You do realize that the more babies teen girls pop out, the more of a strain it is on the already thin welfare system. For every teen girl having a baby, that's a little more tax dollars you are expected to pay.

I'm not really expecting another 911, the terrorists are having more fun watching our country implode. If another 911 did happen it would scream inside job that is for sure.

I am worried about bailing out fat cats that get to keep their millions.
If the goal of the terrorists was to goad us into attacking the wrong country and thereby destroy our economy by draining that money into Iraq instead of America, well, the terrorists have already won. What'd they spend on 9/11? A million bucks? Probably not even that much. How much have we spent trying (and failing) to get the leader who organized the attacks? The long-term estimate, if we get out of Iraq today, is two trillion dollars. So, for every dollar they spent attacking us, we spent two MILLION dollars in the wrong country. That's how small, poor organizations defeat large, powerful countries -- by convincing the large, powerful countries to defeat *themselves*. And we've just about done ourselves in now.
The sad thing is they did it to Russia and we helped. Who remembers back in the 80's when Russia was all over Afghanistan trying to take over. America went in, helped them out, funded them. Russia went bankrupt trying to fight them and the soviet union was disbanded.

Once Russia was run out of their country they turned their attention towards the US and biting that hand that fed them.

You'd think since the American government not only watched but helped Russia go bankrupt that they wouldn't have fallen for it. Does that fall under the "fool me once" rule?

Bush being elected sure played right into their hands, especially since he already had that "daddy" vendetta with Iraq going on.

If the goal of the terrorists was to goad us into attacking the wrong country and thereby destroy our economy by draining that money into Iraq instead of America, well, the terrorists have already won. What'd they spend on 9/11? A million bucks? Probably not even that much. How much have we spent trying (and failing) to get the leader who organized the attacks? The long-term estimate, if we get out of Iraq today, is two trillion dollars. So, for every dollar they spent attacking us, we spent two MILLION dollars in the wrong country. That's how small, poor organizations defeat large, powerful countries -- by convincing the large, powerful countries to defeat *themselves*. And we've just about done ourselves in now.
Your right about the welfare system and kids popping out kids. Id rather pay for a nor plant or something though. A lot cheaper, and some teens actually screw their head on straight later. Why screw them up now for a bad choice they made? I didnt say abortion should be illegal, I said there are much better ways to deal with the issue of teens.

I barely watch local t.v. much less Fox News. Besides, isn't fox news one of the biggest politically swayed t.v stations? I usually brows the news online.
If the goal of the terrorists was to goad us into attacking the wrong country and thereby destroy our economy by draining that money into Iraq instead of America, well, the terrorists have already won. What'd they spend on 9/11? A million bucks? Probably not even that much. How much have we spent trying (and failing) to get the leader who organized the attacks? The long-term estimate, if we get out of Iraq today, is two trillion dollars. So, for every dollar they spent attacking us, we spent two MILLION dollars in the wrong country. That's how small, poor organizations defeat large, powerful countries -- by convincing the large, powerful countries to defeat *themselves*. And we've just about done ourselves in now.
before binladins 1st usa attack he said that was his plan
If the goal of the terrorists was to goad us into attacking the wrong country and thereby destroy our economy by draining that money into Iraq instead of America, well, the terrorists have already won. What'd they spend on 9/11? A million bucks? Probably not even that much. How much have we spent trying (and failing) to get the leader who organized the attacks? The long-term estimate, if we get out of Iraq today, is two trillion dollars. So, for every dollar they spent attacking us, we spent two MILLION dollars in the wrong country. That's how small, poor organizations defeat large, powerful countries -- by convincing the large, powerful countries to defeat *themselves*. And we've just about done ourselves in now.
According to various sources, 9/11 cost about $500,000. So for every dollar they spent, we spend 4 million in the "war on terror". A cult of a few dozen people should not be able to bring the US to its knees. I still find it incredulous that so many Republicans keep saying that the greatest threat to the US is Islamic fundamentalism. IMO, the greatest threat to the US is believing that is true.
According to various sources, 9/11 cost about $500,000. So for every dollar they spent, we spend 4 million in the "war on terror". A cult of a few dozen people should not be able to bring the US to its knees. I still find it incredulous that so many Republicans keep saying that the greatest threat to the US is Islamic fundamentalism. IMO, the greatest threat to the US is believing that is true.

Well said doc:peace:
According to various sources, 9/11 cost about $500,000. So for every dollar they spent, we spend 4 million in the "war on terror". A cult of a few dozen people should not be able to bring the US to its knees. I still find it incredulous that so many Republicans keep saying that the greatest threat to the US is Islamic fundamentalism. IMO, the greatest threat to the US is believing that is true.
No truer words have ever been spoken on this forum. Thank you Dr. Pot.
According to various sources, 9/11 cost about $500,000. So for every dollar they spent, we spend 4 million in the "war on terror". A cult of a few dozen people should not be able to bring the US to its knees. I still find it incredulous that so many Republicans keep saying that the greatest threat to the US is Islamic fundamentalism. IMO, the greatest threat to the US is believing that is true.

