Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

As it stands, I believe once they count all of the sigs and validate, the referendum will be dead in the water and they will have the choice to either repeal it all together or add it to the ballot in November? Is this correct?

If that is so, what is the current ordinance for Shasta county?

It seems to me that the Board of Supervisors completely miscalculated their own power
or, more likely, the expected apathy of local people.

So the new rules do not come into effect and the old rules stay on the books....
Until there is some kind of vote, in November (???).


As I under stand it right now.
We go to 215 law. under Calif. ruling!!
This is what should happen.
But you have to get off your butts and get active, no one else is going to do it for you.
Go to your Post Office and pickup a voter registration card, fill it out and request they send
all the Ballots to your house, you can vote at home and drop it off in the mail. It don't get any
easier than that.
And for all you guys sayn no because you don't want to serve jury duty... if you have a drivers lic. or a State ID your already on the list.
Register and vote or shut the hell up about loosing your weed!
This is what should happen.
But you have to get off your butts and get active, no one else is going to do it for you.
Go to your Post Office and pickup a voter registration card, fill it out and request they send
all the Ballots to your house, you can vote at home and drop it off in the mail. It don't get any
easier than that.
And for all you guys sayn no because you don't want to serve jury duty... if you have a drivers lic. or a State ID your already on the list.
Register and vote or shut the hell up about loosing your weed!

If your not part of the solution......your part of the problem......!

agreed, and further more, jury duty is also part of the solution...your duty as a juror is to protect human rights..if there's no harm then there's no foul and one should not convict in those circumstances regardless of what the laws or the judges or the lawyers instruct.
Up Date..
He has got to be the most moronic,knuckle dragging,fuckwitt,shallowficial in Shasta Co. Excuse me, I have to go throw up now. No wonder his name is Les.
I'd love to be on a jury. If I don't like the law I don't find them guilty!

Jury Duty... jeez... nothing but Cannabis growers and Child-molesters in trial.. wtf... John Law can't win a cannabis conviction in my county, maybe on a Federal level, never local.. Locals say, "FUCK YOU, JOHNNY WEED HATER!. " Not Guilty!
