Shasta County enacts OUTDOOR BAN

I just got back from gathering signatures, man some people can be such asses but "Thank you" is all the rise they get from me.
Just from the feeling of the community and how every one acted I'd say we got this.
I met more for than against and all think the county government is way too big for their pants.
Thanks Bree for being with me today!
thanks man for making me feel a little better. stoked to have you leading the way
I'm not leading, theres a bunch of people putting far more into the effort.
I'm just getting signatures from folks that don't go to the Big City lol.
I'm more like the guy who'll kick the beast and dare it to raise it's head so we can cut it's throat. ;)
kinda like this ?

Same thing, with whats up in butte county rite now! But check out this fucking bullshit: Where i live, and chico, its already bullshit rules that are seperate from butte county ordinance(way different/strickter).:bigjoint:

ya know.. it's odd but the ordinance is for the unincorporated areas of butte co., City limits are not affected by the outdoor ordinance unless it's a city ban. I think if cannabis progression wants to happen in Butte county, the people who write the refs better not exclude the closet growers and others on less than 0.5acres of land. I voted NO on the last because it would have made the people with 40+ acres free to grow 100s of plants and the people on 0.4acres to have NOTHING..

Fuck that.. Don't rule out the 95% who have a small yard and just enough room for 6-12 plants.

I know a person in the city limits who is not effected by the ordinance because it does not affect him, he calls me laughing his balls off on 2 acres in city limits.
Yeah, pretty frickin lame man. Dudes rite down my street still pull off 24 plant crops though, incorporated area. I got some property, but i ain't gonna push it. I'm indoor, so the town can go to hell! Doesn't mean i don't drive up the 70 every day though, during the season :bigjoint:
Good news though, it looks like the new referendum, as drawn up, thats likely to make it to the polls, practically won't change what we currently got.
I still employ lawsuit ammo with, "Not subject to CEQA" as stated in the California Environmental code 15061(b)(3).

The ordinance should be illegal and it's only a matter of time before appeals courts will become standard, possibly class action, lawsuits.
Tomorrow is the turn in at 4:20pm. If a quarter of all the Shasta growers have valid signatures, then we should have it beat. I would truly be ashamed in our locals if it doesn't get enough. There has to be over 20,000 registered Shasta voters affected. So 6K shouldn't be a problem.