Sharing outdoor auto experience...


Well-Known Member
i want to give autos a try outside. Maybe on my porch and maybe in the ground. Havent decided yet. Id like some big ones, obviously some strong ones, and preferably some smelly ones. Im growing my first auto right now and i have to say its pretty cool. Not sure how the smoke will turn out cause it was free but its cool.
I was wondering how autos planted in the ground would do, and the whole autos wanting more light to grow properly, do they do ok outside? Do they get huge like photos? I want big ones so any suggestions would be great and any advice for an outdoor auto harvest or pics are welcome for sure. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
This is basically the plan for me this season.
The thing about autos are that they do well indoors due to the fact that they aren't time sensitive. So therefore they get ALOT of light hours in they're life...
While outdoors you dont get near the sun hours as you do indoors. (Although its much more intense)

So to help with this im going to veg indoors (4-6 weeks) and flower outdoors. This should substantially increase yeild. And im going to prove it by doing 6 outdoors from seed and 6 vegged indoors and flowered out. All with ff nutes. And basic 70 biobizz light mix and 30 perlite


Well-Known Member
make sure u plant in a very dry sunny spot. they love to mold even in july!
Ive read this several times. Seems some say they like to mold and some say that those mold rumors are totally b.s. I could see with how some of them grow how that could be a reality with the short branches and thick colas. Some of the newer ones boast plant heights of 1.5 meters. So is that may not be as bad of an issue. What do you think? And as far as plant height goes, i saw one outdoors on a thread and it looked to have gotten pretty large. Do They grow bigger outside?


Well-Known Member
The trick is to veg them the first 30-45 days inside to take advantage of the explosive veg stage then let them form those hard buds under the natural sun and get some nice colors from the outside temps.

ill be doing this a little this summer.... hopefully, in my pinkie pie thread.


Well-Known Member
i want to give autos a try outside. Maybe on my porch and maybe in the ground. Havent decided yet. Id like some big ones, obviously some strong ones, and preferably some smelly ones. Im growing my first auto right now and i have to say its pretty cool. Not sure how the smoke will turn out cause it was free but its cool.
I was wondering how autos planted in the ground would do, and the whole autos wanting more light to grow properly, do they do ok outside? Do they get huge like photos? I want big ones so any suggestions would be great and any advice for an outdoor auto harvest or pics are welcome for sure. Thanks.
keep them in 5 gallon airpots and bring them in at night (so wind rain etc dont knock off ur trichs.) helps me a lot. in ground is much more of a hassle and not really ideal for autos unless you have a shit ton of them


Well-Known Member
keep them in 5 gallon airpots and bring them in at night (so wind rain etc dont knock off ur trichs.) helps me a lot. in ground is much more of a hassle and not really ideal for autos unless you have a shit ton of them
I was planning on doing some of the larger autos and lots. It wouldnt really work for me, but it work for most. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Been growing autos outdoor for well over a year now, I found 5 gallon smart pots to be the best.. I'm working on a double green house op right now to house 18 autos all year around 4x harvests a year.. Although, autos require the 18+ hours indoor to get good yields, I found that even though the sun doesn't provide nearly as much as that, but the sun is a lot more powerful then lights, so yield isn't an issue, I've gotten QPs easy off good genetics. Subbed. Good luck!


i ve had both power skunk and big band grow to 6' outdoors. 0 mold on the ps and just a touch on the bb. if your having a wet growing season get a spray on them as they go into flower. 3 zips was the avg for them. so many choices for big autos now...


Well-Known Member
i ve had both power skunk and big band grow to 6' outdoors. 0 mold on the ps and just a touch on the bb. if your having a wet growing season get a spray on them as they go into flower. 3 zips was the avg for them. so many choices for big autos now...
What spray would you reccomend?


well in the past i used to grab a bottle off the shelf and off i went. if your gonna spray anti mold do you want something that would fight bugs mold and other stuff? then. neem oil is one of the many that will work. for a gentle good smelling solution-squeeze a lemon and dilute the juice into a 29-32 oz spray bottle(spring,ro,rain water). test on a branch, spray and dry in the dark. in a day or two if no adverse effects your good to go.


Well-Known Member
I've heard from a alot of users that autos outdoors aren't worth the time. Very small yields apparently.
Thats because they cant veg outdoors like they can indoors.
Not really due to the veg cycle. I have grown a Krippleberry auto outside and that thing was a beast, man. I've never grown it indoors so I don't have anything to compare it to, but definitely the biggest auto I've ever seen. The problem is this: 80% humidity and 90° temps. That right there is a recipe for budrot.

See, with photos they are finishing in like September, October. Photos have big, chunky, nugs when it is not so humid and not so hot. Mid July, when your auto has these big honkers hanging off the branch, the weather is much more wet and hot.

That's what went wrong with my Krippleberry. I went back there to check on it and all of the colas had some form of mold or rot occurring. I harvested nothing and allowed it to return to the earth naturally. If I would have been able to harvest it, it definitely wouldn't have been a waste of my time.

Edit: also, as for anyone saying that the quality makes it not worth it or some other stupid shit, I ask you one question: how much is weed in your area? If someone yields literally 3 grams of mids that is probably worth more on the street than the seed that you bought online so you came out ahead in my book.


Well-Known Member
Mids aren't worth shit here..nobody wants them.. If it ain't killer its worthless to me... I've ran autos the last 2 summers just as a bumper crop til the real stuff finishes in October..very unimpressed.. Hope that changes this year.


Well-Known Member
I think running them in your backyard where u can baby themmight work.i ran some in the bush couple years ago mush middle of july