sharing my extraction method no denautured solvents extract 85% thc and terpene

I know you are not. It just made me chuckle.

No ISO here. I feel you, Ethanol all the way. Thanks for your help. Happy extracting!
I think iso is just something people use if they can't get high proof ethanol.
Some people claim to love it though
I prefer naphtha for a cleaner extract when I'm not using butane. I just double distill Coleman's camp stove fuel and get about 3L from a can. Use it to clean up an ISO or methanol/ethanol wash too.
I prefer naphtha for a cleaner extract when I'm not using butane. I just double distill Coleman's camp stove fuel and get about 3L from a can. Use it to clean up an ISO or methanol/ethanol wash too.

The word Naphtha designates a boiling point range which includes Benzene, an known carcinogen. Benzene not only can be, but is commonly found in Naphtha. Always read the MSDS before using.

In the case of Coleman fuel, it doesn't list Benzene, just the following:

Hydrotreated Light Distillate, CAS # 68410-97-9, OSHA-500 ppm, 100.0
This product contains:
*Cyclohexane, CAS # 110-82-7,
OSHA-300 ppm, ACGIH-300 ppm
*Nonane, CAS # 111-84-2, ACGIH-200 ppm
*Octane, CAS # 111-65-9, OSHA-400 ppm, ACGIH-300 ppm
*Heptane, CAS # 142-82-5, OSHA-500 ppm, ACGIH-400 ppm
*Pentane, CAS # 109-66-0, OSHA-1000 ppm, ACGIH-600 pp

The C-6 Hextane, C-7 Heptane, C-8 Octane, and C-9 Nonane are more difficult to remove, as compared to propane, butane, or pentane.
I can't recall the BP range I take but it's only about 4C between top and bottom 71-75C seems about right. I bought some of the no-name stuff and the lowest bp was around 77. Good enough for me. Not giving it to patients.
Thank you for this write up, the world is a better place with folks like you. Been playing with distillates over the past yr having a blast (or non blast I should say). 2?: What temp do you run your Soxhlet And do you just collect all in a single flask vac distill and not an utter to catch your different temp varieties? Thanks again and good luck to all!
About 69c or the boiling point of ethanol.
It all collects in a single flask and then gets filtered then distilled
Thank you for this write up, the world is a better place with folks like you. Been playing with distillates over the past yr having a blast (or non blast I should say). 2?: What temp do you run your Soxhlet And do you just collect all in a single flask vac distill and not an utter to catch your different temp varieties? Thanks again and good luck to all!
Yeah I know I should have a power point or somthing. There is lots of good info out there on it just not in these types of forums. When you Google anything to do with cannbis with the word extract along with it pretty much all the results you see are about butane co2 and "vacuum purging" which is just what all the people making those things want you to see. I guess that's really the point of my rant here. There is literally 100 ways to make extracts and concentrates without butane or c02. Non polar super critical extraction is wrong for cannabis for So many reasons.
Butane is going to create a huge health crisis in the years to come if that continues. People who use it regularly today in their 20's and 30's will be suffering symptoms of dimensia by age 40 and mesothelioma by age 45. The clinical studies are being conducted now and have been for some time. Their findings are terrifying.

Can you include some data with this? Are you saying the concentrate industry in places like Colorado and California are deliberately giving people tainted stuff? These are some intense claims concerning a huge number of people. I'm a resident of Co and have never heard anything that you're talking about.

Please elaborate.
Can you include some data with this? Are you saying the concentrate industry in places like Colorado and California are deliberately giving people tainted stuff? These are some intense claims concerning a huge number of people. I'm a resident of Co and have never heard anything that you're talking about.

Please elaborate.

I would love to see that supporting data as well. Especially the "dimensia" and mesothelioma part.

I infer dimensia is a corruption of dementia, but find no data supporting the correlation, and as mesothelioma is a cancer caused by exposure to asbestos, and there is no asbestos in LPG, I don't see the connection.

Noting that Butane is not only considered GRAS by the FDA and EMA, and is in the same Class III category as Ethanol, I'm led to believe the original post is another good example of not carefully vetting popular mantras from folks with a secondary agenda, before sharing as gospel for brothers and sisters.
I would like to see some pics
Step by step, or a detailed video

But your words get a little lost with out visual aids
4-5 oz of trim.
1000ml absolute alcohol.
Extraction body:
A soxhlet continuous extractor is used for the extraction.
Plant material is held in desicant before running to decarb and remove residual h20. a drying tube is also afixed to keep out ambient moisture.

The extractor runs continuous washing the sample with fresh distilled alcohol every 20 minutes over the course of 24-48 hours approximately, or until all oils have been extracted.

What's left in the sample jar contains fat wax and lipids and actually resembles crumble wax or shatter in look and texture. No essential oils are left. just the garbage. I have tested and analyzed the remains.
makes a fine mulch though.

Filtering. Activated carbon and cellite 545 diatomacious earth
Activated carbon from wood ash absorbs the color scent and taste of the chlorphyl instantly.
add stir and filter through celite pad using a vacuum assisted buchner fritted funnel. The celite purpose here is 2 fold. To keep that carbon out of the pours of the frit and cellite 545 also removes any fatty compounds and lipids that may have found its way into the suspension. The resulting filtrate goes from dark green almost black to redish orange.

Solvent is removed and reclaimed by vacuum distillation at a range of 8 to 15 degrees Celsius and a consistent pressure of 29.8”hg.( Don’t use oil sealed Pump)

.. removing solvent ....
brinkman recirculating dual head aspirator vacuum pump. It pulls almost a full 29.9"hg and any solvents that make it through are filtered safely into the water, not the pumps oils.

brinkman pump provides a good vac
It takes me about 2 hours to complete this step of the process. Once the ethyl is gone and reclaimed I do like to raise temps to 30+ degrees Celsius under 29.8"hg for 2 more hours to carmalize the simple sugars and thicken the finished product.

The vessel I use is a 12 liter ace glass reaction vessel with 3 neck lid setup with a liebig condenser and reclaim collection flask. Heat is provided by glas col mantle. I typically filter 6-8 soxhlet runs or 6000-8000ml filtered oil suspension into the pot and distill. Aprox yeild is about 20grams of finished oil per 1000ml of alcohol/oil suspension.

I’m trying to wrap my head around your process, sill having a hard time with it , even after cleaning up the post. And reading a couple chem books.
This is more of a rant then a recipe or oil making guide .
Im sure u make good oil, but I’ll stick with my new book, Cannabis Alchemy
Step by step, no ranting etc
Wanted to follow up on this. Had most the materials and aquired the Celite to use in my Buchner. Damn man, I just whipped out what I will throw down next to “re-introduced terp” distillate any day in flavor and potency and this is straight out of the flask. I have been playing with Soxhlet short paths and vac distillate for canna and alcohol purposes and this is the finest write up to clean up and make extreme quality out of the raw outputs. I experimented with flower and made amazing runs if I would allow 7 Soxhlet loops then clean up and vac distill. I then saved a few runs worth of the flowers and made a final “full finish” run going until alc was clear. Called them grades 1 and 2 respectively and both tasted amazin and knock your socks off. Bravo GWPharms for your skills and share ability
Wanted to ask the community of Soxhleters here if anyone’s run this with live? I’ve made quick wash with live and it was lovely but made a home made glass closed loop to pull vac then out all in freeze then force alc through cold live canna quickly but with Sox extraction I’m concerned for the heat, anyone ever pulled vac on Soxhlet to try and keep it going for days at lets say 12C?
If you think co2 and butane are the best or even the only way to extract cannabis oils you have fallen for a trend or perhaps a conspiracy even, crated by big money corporations to sell co2 extractors and cans of butane by the case. Billions of dollars are on the table here, they want as much as They can get on the ground floor of this blossoming industry.
this is what they don't want you to know.

All this butane oil and co2 wax has just gotten out of control. People have forgotten what cannabis extracts are suppose to be and how they have been made for centuries without poisonous butane or expensive co2 extractors that only a few can afford. For a few hundred dollars in glass ware one can be equiped For a life time to extract all essential oils and make countless medications. I have used this method for 20 years now to extract cannabis and several other essential oils from numerous plants. I have executed this extraction numerous times in a lab. It is not my idea or invention, it has been used by organic chemist and pharmacists for over a century.
Everything used is food grade and can be eaten. Some of them can be found in the health food store. I have extensive tests on my finshed product and can account for 100% of its contents by volume. Of course I have regular test done showing 0 residual solvents. I consitantly get 20-22% returns from trim.Finished product contains 85% thc 8% cbc cbg cbd, 5% terpene oils and 2% simple sugars from cannabis.yeild oil percentage and terpene flavors will vary up to 3% depending on strain extracted.

whats the other 30% in your 70% THC BHO?

lets get started:
4-5 oz of trim. 1000ml absolute alcohol. In another post I can get into why ethyl alcohol is an ideal choice for extracting cannabinoids for several reasons.
Extraction body:
A soxhlet continuous extractor is used for the extraction. Plant material is held in desicant before running to decarb and remove residual h20. a drying tube is also afixed to keep out ambient moisture. My solvent of choice is 100% grain alchahol. Distilled myself from mash to azreotopic 96% and then dried to absolute using 3a molecular sieves.

Salt does not dry ethyl alchahol to 100%. A common myth perpetuated in this and about every other site.

The extractor runs continuous washing the sample with fresh distilled alcohol every 20 minutes over the course of 24-48 hours approximately, or until all oils have been extracted.

What's left in the sample jar contains fat wax and lipids and actually resembles crumble wax or shatter in look and texture. No essential oils are left. just the garbage. I have tested and analyzed the remains.
makes a fine mulch though.

Filtering. Activated carbon and cellite 545 diatomacious earth
The oil/alcohol suspension contain chlorphyl which is about the only down side to ethyl alcohol, but it is the easiest thing to remove!
Activated carbon from wood ash absorbs the color scent and taste of the chlorphyl instantly. Just add stir and filter through celite pad using a vacuum assisted buchner fritted funnel. The celite purpose here is 2 fold. To keep that carbon out of the pours of the frit and cellite 545 also removes any fatty compounds and lipids that may have found its way into the suspension. The resulting filtrate goes from dark green almost black to redish orange. Which will be the color of the finished product. (see my profile picture)

The term vacuum purged is thrown around alot these days and has created this misconception that these vacuum chambers and ovens that are now being sold in mass are magical appliances that whisk away all the poison with the turn of a knob and push of a button.DING! "poison is done"

I won't get into here the deep sciences behind vacuum assisted distillation and why it's done. Nor do I have room here to discuss all the myths and perpetuated mis information that's everywhere. (thank you internet) But I will say it again, it is a vacuum distillation or if you prefer, distillation under reduced pressure.

If you or your care taker claims their product is clean because it was vacuum purged for 8 days only means you or they have no idea what is going on or what you are doing during this process and likely do not have adequate controls or monitoring of your system. Read a chemistry book and turn off the you tube channel.

Solvent is removed and reclaimed by vacuum distillation at a range of 8 to 15 degrees Celsius and a consistent pressure of 29.8"hg. I have aquired several vacuum pumps over the years of different capabilities for specific applications but one kind i would not waste time or money on or even allow into my lab is an oil sealed pump.
Read about antseptic diaphragm vacuum pumps and water aspirator pumps if you want to know what a real lab vacuum pump really is.
A little pricey yes but one can get an aspirator that connects to their sink For less than $50 and has the same capabilities as a $400 oil sealed pump or even a $3000 oil sealed pump. No oil change motor failure no vacuum fluctuations and performance loss from the solvent condensing in your engine oil.
Diaphragm and aspirator pumps, read about them
Again here there is big money to be made here just like with all these trendy extraction tools.they don't want you to know about aspirators which have existed For 700 years.

Anyways..... For this task of removing solvent i use the good ol' brinkman recirculating dual head aspirator vacuum pump. It pulls almost a full 29.9"hg and any solvents that make it through are filtered safely into the water, not the pumps oil and into the working environment and people's bodies. It disgusts me to see people working a environment polluting oil pump in what they call their "lab"

The high vac the brinkman provides keeps my temps low, protects those wonderful cannabis flavors oils and sugars from decomposition allowing the finished product to have a full bouquet that is literally mouth watering when vaped. It takes me about 2 hours to complete this step of the process. Once the ethyl is gone and reclaimed I do like to raise temps to 30+ degrees Celsius under 29.8"hg for 2 more hours to carmalize the simple sugars and thicken the finished product. I also have an inert gas (nitrogen) bubble through the solution throughout the vac distillation. This keeps the "bumping" down, helps purge the solvent and further dry the product, and just because one should always have nitrogen in the system while under vacuum if only for safty, even though temps do not get that high in this process.

The vessel I use is a 12 liter ace glass reaction vessel with 3 neck lid setup with a liebig condenser and reclaim collection flask. Heat is provided by glas col mantle. I typically filter 6-8 soxhlet runs or 6000-8000ml filtered oil suspension into the pot and distill. Aprox yeild is about 20grams of finished oil per 1000ml of alcohol/oil suspension.
This can of course be done in smaller scales with smaller equipment.

Butane is a natural gas byproduct!!! It is POISON!!! It use to only be sold in small cans behind the counter at 7-11 next to the Zippo ligher fluid. Now to get in on this trend and make money anyone is slapping their label on a can and claiming it things like "food grade"
Mmmmm taste great on crackers

And now there is "medical grade"!!
oh but I only hope the hospitals have enough to administer those life saving butane therapies.

And "Pure tane" seriously!?!

Common people open a book don't just think Google and you tube can teach you everything. That is the blind leading the ignorant.

This is real serious organic chemistry your attempting don't just follow the other lemmings over the cliff. Educate yourself
Thanks for reading.
Great write-up GW! That is more like it. I can see you are a good dude. I feel bad we got off on the wrong foot. Hope we are friends now. Lol. I respect you now and feel bad for childish insults. I figured how to post photos now lol. This is a pic of my g.g.#1 "winteized" twice after removing residual butane. For the record, I don't use canned butane. Haven't in over two years. I do however open blast. By choice. I have a regulator on my tank with a stainless line w/nipple. No cans. Lol canned butane is a shit mix! (N-butane, with iso-butane, and propane + any other shit they want. Made for lighter refills) I use high grade N-butane 99%+ pure) yes, as close to "pure tane" (as u put it) as I can get. Anywhere. On another note... does it bug you as much as it bugs me, people referring to isopropyl alcohol as iso? That is what it's called in the cannabis community. Chemistry upbringing isopropyl alcohol is Maybe that was a hive term. Every time someone says "iso" my brain thinks iso-butane. (Or iso-safrole to be honest) It is called IPA. like the beer. Sorry, i ramble. Blame it on my a.d.d! Blah, blah, what was I talking about? They had me pumped full of adderall as a youngster. It did permanent damage. No joke.20180929_125009.jpg 20180929_085233.jpg
So light you can hardly even see the dab!
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I swear the "30lb" tank of butane i got yesterday was only half full.

Sold by weight. Did you weigh it?

A 30 lb (H20) tank can only be safely and legally filled to 80% capacity to allow for thermal expansion and n-Butane has a specific gravity of .601, so you should have 30 lb water X .601 SG X .80 fill = 14.4 lbs.

My guess is that it was about 15lbs................... The tank TARE should be stamped on it somewhere, so add that for the total weight.
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