sharing my extraction method no denautured solvents extract 85% thc and terpene

Great info and inspiring. I've about had it with bho, cant seem to get any repeatable outcomes, or good ones at that. I recently picked up a tamisium thinking that might make a diff over closed loop systems, not. I believe I'll delve into this a bit. I do have a couple of questions. 1. Is the sample jar on the soxhlet large enough to hold 4 to 5 ounces of material? 2. Why the reddish orange color and can this be refined out.?3. Whats the consistency of finished product?@nature, could we get a detailed pic of your setup. I'd ask the op but he hasnt chimed in for some time.
Great info and inspiring. I've about had it with bho, cant seem to get any repeatable outcomes, or good ones at that. I recently picked up a tamisium thinking that might make a diff over closed loop systems, not. I believe I'll delve into this a bit. I do have a couple of questions. 1. Is the sample jar on the soxhlet large enough to hold 4 to 5 ounces of material? 2. Why the reddish orange color and can this be refined out.?3. Whats the consistency of finished product?@nature, could we get a detailed pic of your setup. I'd ask the op but he hasnt chimed in for some time.
hey man.1.)op ran large amounts of material,pretty sure 4-5 oz i believe.i could only run an oz at a time as i was using a 250ml boiling flask with the accomadating soxhlet.2.)you can refine out the orange ,ive had almost clear product and the reddish looking no expert by any means,but i think how old your material is you start with and filtering through the carbon can lighten it more.i believe the clearer oil i produced came from freshly harvested(but cured) bud. the last extract i made it was orange/red (older material) but really had no negative effect.3.)the consistency is a bit more runny,its an oil,but still dabbable.not being able to test my product for residual,i just made edibles by the end.i will tell you,it has an awesome flavor on the dab rig.just not really my thing anymore,ill smoke a bowl or joint if i want at work and on a somewhat new phone without pics,ill look in a keep my water cold that went through the condenser,i used an old dorm fridge with my water inside with rock salt in that container to drop my temps below 32°f.i usually could get 4-5 hours of nice cold water this way before i had to add more ice.i did not have all the cool lab equipment but found ways to make my own that worked.
check out ops old posts,he lays out everything.
The high vac the brinkman provides keeps my temps low, protects those wonderful cannabis flavors oils and sugars from decomposition allowing the finished product to have a full bouquet that is literally mouth watering when vaped

Anyone respond since op seems out of the loop a bit...

WOW! this is a great write-up and I def want to get a similar though smaller set-up going someday. The quoted material is what has leaned me toward what I believe is really the only other truly "Pure" method of extraction without poisoning your stash! A combination of Ice/Bubble hash extraction and a heat press "Squish" wax/shatter... I will also try diluting the "Squish" with natural flavorless terpenes to try it as an oil tip refill replacement for all the poisonous (PEG, EG, and any other glycols/poisons used in diluting that spilled over from the tobacco vaping indusry... I mean, Anti-Freeze!?!??? Really?!?!!!!)... what are your thoughts on going that route for purity and flavor of vaping concentrates?
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Anyone respond since op seems out of the loop a bit...

WOW! this is a great write-up and I def want to get a similar though smaller set-up going someday. The quoted material is what has leaned me toward what I believe is really the only other truly "Pure" method of extraction without poisoning your stash! A combination of Ice/Bubble hash extraction and a heat press "Squish" wax/shatter... I will also try diluting the "Squish" with natural flavorless terpenes to try it as an oil tip refill replacement for all the poisonous (PEG, EG, and any other glycols/poisons used in diluting that spilled over from the tobacco vaping indusry... I mean, Anti-Freeze!?!??? Really?!?!!!!)... what are your thoughts on going that route for purity and flavor of vaping concentrates?
i think your idea abut the flavorless terps as a vehicle for your pens is a great idea.try it! peg oil turns me off as well! your method sounds really nice and flavorful
i think your idea abut the flavorless terps as a vehicle for your pens is a great idea.try it! peg oil turns me off as well! your method sounds really nice and flavorful

Yeah, I actually have done it but NOT in a practical manner, as it has now crystalized in the oil tip and must be heated before used. Also it was a first attempt at the idea and I thought that just natural cannabis sativa terpenes (with all the strong essensial oil flavor left in) would be the way to go. the final observations on my part (and solely my opinion, of course, at this stage in the game anyway) are these. Flavorless or at least "Strain Specific" terps should be used as the flavor mixed with the strong durban poison wax I used was very off- putting and overpowering. As far as comparing the potentcy of the PEG or other mainstream types of concentrate oils available (at least that I have personally used) the terpene dilution method retains nearly all the strength of the original wax used... so hence it blows the regular oil tips and refil oils out of the water... it is NEARLY like actually vaping the wax in wax form...

You can see it in this thread, as a matter of fact (my third post, here):
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Thnx op for posting this. Exactly what I’ve been looking for for weeks. A safe way to make extract. I don’t want to do bho’s and making ice hash kind of seems like a pain in the ass. This is super interesting looking into it now. Also like it bc I could use it for other things than weed.

So a friend a mine mentioned that ordering lab grade stuff off amazon with get you on some kind of list. Is this true or is he just being too paranoid again?
And also could you use fractional freezing or freeze distillation? Would it be effective for this kind of extract? Sorry if I sound stupid I just started to research all this today. Total noob, it’s cool as shit tho.
Thnx op for posting this. Exactly what I’ve been looking for for weeks. A safe way to make extract. I don’t want to do bho’s and making ice hash kind of seems like a pain in the ass. This is super interesting looking into it now. Also like it bc I could use it for other things than weed.

So a friend a mine mentioned that ordering lab grade stuff off amazon with get you on some kind of list. Is this true or is he just being too paranoid again?
nothing is suspicous,really.if youre searching for glassware,id look into laboy glass out of china.4 week shipping,but way cheaper.
And also could you use fractional freezing or freeze distillation? Would it be effective for this kind of extract? Sorry if I sound stupid I just started to research all this today. Total noob, it’s cool as shit tho.
i believe op thinks fractional is a bit overkill.this is the only method you NEED to learn!
Yeah but the problem is I can’t really get a aspirator head for my sink bc my landlord but this stupid faucet on. It’s like a shower head and nothing can be connected to it. Annoying as shit I couldn’t even connect my water filter to it anymore.

Also bringing up a point, since I can’t connect the condenser to a faucet would a container of water with a water pump in it work?

Maybe I’m misunderstanding the freeze distillation but it sounds like you simply freeze it and seperate based on the fact that alcohol freezes at really cold temperatures whereas the extract doesn’t.
Seems like it might even be simpler. I would use his method but a vacuum aspirator pump is expensive as shit and as I said can’t use the aspirator head without replacing the whole faucet and pissing my landlord off.
@bj, lol. You should be able to unscrew that tip on your faucet very easily and get a replacement at any hardware store for a couple of bucks. You could save it and then just put it back on when you move out. I used to snatch the screens out of them back in the day.


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Yeah but the problem is I can’t really get a aspirator head for my sink bc my landlord but this stupid faucet on. It’s like a shower head and nothing can be connected to it. Annoying as shit I couldn’t even connect my water filter to it anymore.

Also bringing up a point, since I can’t connect the condenser to a faucet would a container of water with a water pump in it work?

Maybe I’m misunderstanding the freeze distillation but it sounds like you simply freeze it and seperate based on the fact that alcohol freezes at really cold temperatures whereas the extract doesn’t.
Seems like it might even be simpler. I would use his method but a vacuum aspirator pump is expensive as shit and as I said can’t use the aspirator head without replacing the whole faucet and pissing my landlord off.
the only need for the aspirator is to help aid the filtration through the buchner funnel(or if you want to perform a vac distillation.not necessary).the bucket full of water will work,but you need that shit cold.labs have equipment to make it negative temps,i believe.youre exactly correct in thinking about the pump.thats what i did,but instead of a bucket i used a container with lid inside a mini dorm fridge,h20 tubes running through holes in the top,which i carefully drilled out.ran my fridge,added water, salt,and a shitload of ice to the container and it worked fine as kind.i just added ice every few hours.recirculating your need for a faucet until you filter.
i also did not have a pump like gw(op)
i did a simple distillation(at higher temps) to evap off my etoh.op's product is surely better,little things make the difference(and way,way,way more knowledge than me) but my end game,i was thrilled about.
@bj, lol. You should be able to unscrew that tip on your faucet very easily and get a replacement at any hardware store for a couple of bucks. You could save it and then just put it back on when you move out. I used to snatch the screens out of them back in the day.
Best Commercial Stainless Steel Single Handle Pull Down Sprayer Kitchen Faucet, Pull Out Kitchen Faucets Brushed Nickel

This is the kind of faucet I have. I have the kind you have in my bathroom but it small, cramped and there’s no where to properly sit things. No counter just a small ass sink and a tub. Guess i can clean the tub and put stuff in that. I’ll try that out and if it doesn’t work I’ll just replace the whole damn kitchen faucet.
So I have a pretty good idea of how this works now for the most part. So the op mentions a desiccate that the plant matter is held in to decarb and remove extra h2o. What is a good desiccate to use for this? And is having too much h2o in your plant matter a really bad thing?

Also he mentions heating the oil to Carmelize the sugars and thicken the product. So is he pretty much just removing the soxhlet and condersor and “reducing” the oil til it thickens?
OP mentioned in another thread that the carbon would remove monoterpenes. This would be detrimental to the flavor and entourage effects. This would bring us back to fractioning to preserve the terpenes ot adding some back in. Can he or anybody speak to this? Thank you.
Yes terps are lost in the carbon. Depending on how much you use.
Carbon will remove all color tastes smells and contaminates until there is no more to remove.
Without terps the oil tastes somewhat sweet to smoke or eat. But terps of course have their value and are very popular. In my opinion sourcing terps from cannabis and capturing strain specific profiles in a bottle is alot of work and effort for a small return. Cannabis is a poor source of terps. it's easier for us to mix various strains and extract them, purify the oil through filtration and or distillation and re introduce terp blends from non canna sources.
Thanks for the fast response. That makes me a little sad.

I am on a mission to put all the wonderful flavors and effects of my girls into a vape pen for the lazy among us. From living soil and sunshine into our bodies. When I read "Finished product contains 85% thc 8% cbc cbg cbd, 5% terpene oils and 2% simple sugars from cannabis.yeild oil percentage and terpene flavors will vary up to 3% depending on strain extracted." it was very exiting. This is all the good stuff. I really appreciate all the great information you take the time to share. This can really help with the learning curve. What about a very cold short wash to avoid the green followed by a winterization and cold distillation? Some seem to use Qweso with decent results. Any use following this logic or are the yields too shy to bother?
Yes a sub zero etoh wash would extract little chlorophyll and require very little carbon and preserve most of the terps and give a nice looking oil.
You could also steam distill the terps out of your babies and capture their essence in a bottle to add to your extracted oil.
You can winterize your etoh/oil suspension but it won't coagulate much or at all because ethanol dosnt extract fat like non polar solvents do
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OK the gauntlet is down. Now to create a good desiccation system that will not pull terps and a sealed sub zero extraction unit to keep the ethanol dry. Looks like I need to collect some more toys : ) I will be making a closed loop aspirator pump due to your inspiration to work down this path.
In your experience will Qweso skip any of the terpenes? Fewer steps seems preferable if this can be pulled off without the extra steam step. That being said I do feel preserving the original profile will have benefits we have not categorized yet as all the entourage effects get mapped out.

BTW i googled gwpharms. I had no idea you where so big! lol. Standing on the shoulders of giants.
Im not gwpharma from the UK. Just my acronym is also gw and we use farms with a f and a ph in our logo
Im not a big fan of iso wash or qwiso myself.