Share your most fucked up plant - regardless of problem <


Well-Known Member
I thought I would start this thread for all of RIU growers. It seems no matter what curveball we get in growing bud , sometimes you get a RUNT or a Plant that went thru the wringer regardless of what you did. We all have gotten shitty breeder seeds or bad nute feedings or cat pissed on it. Marijuana is a very resilient plant but sometimes you end up with a shitty frankenstein plant.

Bugs , burns , and other problems are what comes with growing. Share some of those PICS of those plants that you are NOT SO PROUD OF ! Maybe you had a relative watch your plant and ruined it. I'm sure there are many stories out there. Even if you kept them alive to harvest.
Let's see what's out there. ...... LOL. :fire:

I'll start :
Left plant with wife while on job out of town ( 3 days ) , had minor mite problem begin to start . Told her to go get NEEM OIL , she didn't. She " wiped " plant leaves with alcohol and burned the shit out of a week 8 flower ! ( I am trying to " nurse " this for at least 11 more days ) because of triches. But may have to chop top cola and let mids and lower TRY to finish.

Needless to say , she will NEVER take care of my plants - again .
( and no I didn't punch her in the throat ...... Yet ) :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
The First Killing Fields strain I ran a few years back. It was wonky as hell right out of the gate. I babied it along and it finally did produce. It's just now that I've gotten around to running another one of the same strain, ad its looking nothing like this pitiful specimen

gallery_7297_3101_172686.jpg .


Well-Known Member
It's funny how these pictures are always followed by a story of how their friend's uncle (or insert person here) was tending to their plants while they were "out of town". lol
Not so funny until it happens to you. But this what trolls do.


Well-Known Member
This was a plant in my early days of growing using CFL's mixed with sunshine

This plant was the runt of the liter, thus was always given the lowest priority and was neglected but the other two became male hence the runt quickly became the queen and was granted the highest priority.

It was a small plant (19 grams harvest) and had a few health issues but was quite tasty with really dense buds


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
It's funny how these pictures are always followed by a story of how their friend's uncle (or insert person here) was tending to their plants while they were "out of town". lol
uh oh, you said something he didn't like, now he called you a troll, just like he will do to me, only, he'll be right about me. I whooped his ass in 2 other threads, so now he is all butthurt and any post he doesn't like, he pulls out the troll card. LOL
i gave him shit for growing in an easy bake oven.
Oh, BTW, he is also a sock puppet of another account, check the join date


Well-Known Member
It's funny how these pictures are always followed by a story of how their friend's uncle (or insert person here) was tending to their plants while they were "out of town". lol
thats exactly what i was going to say no one ever takes the blame them self mate you wont ever find anyone admitting silly mistakes its always left to sum one else lol


Well-Known Member
My first indoor grow my planters didnt have enough drain holes. Water rotted in the bottom. I eventually figured it out and fixed it but the end result was a 12" plant. The good side was that 12" plant grew just one big fat bud that ended up weighing 21grams and looked just like a small nerf football.
image.jpg It's not horrible but definitely a mutation I'm thinking it's a node growing in the stem of a fan leaf this is a Shaq pheno compared to my others


Well-Known Member
uh oh, you said something he didn't like, now he called you a troll, just like he will do to me, only, he'll be right about me. I whooped his ass in 2 other threads, so now he is all butthurt and any post he doesn't like, he pulls out the troll card. LOL
i gave him shit for growing in an easy bake oven.
Oh, BTW, he is also a sock puppet of another account, check the join date
Sock puppet? Lol.. Idk what that is.. I know what a sock puppet is just not in this