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Share the worst injury you've ever exprienced!


Well-Known Member
Worst injury just happened a couple months ago. I just got clean I'd like to say that 1st before I tell what happened I haven't touched a pill or drink since I got of rehab recently.

Ne way my worst injury was from me drinking a litre of captains and eatting 10 2mg klonapins and smoking alot of weed. I don't remeber what happened I just woke up getting a CAT scan. I had a compound fracture on the left side of my jaw and 2 hairline fractures on my right side severed nerves I can't feel my lower lip or chin. I also had internal bleeding that went from my chin to my chest it looked gross and bruised for a few weeks I also got a concussion and 2 shattered teeth and chipped my front tooth. Apparently I got beat down because after the kids I was chilling with dropped me off I walked all the way back to their house looking for the rest of my klonapins (which I ate or snorted) and when they said they didn't have them I pulled a knife on them and they dropped me. Apparently I walked 2 miles back concussed and cocked and bleeding profusly from my face. Glad I found my way home that night. Having your jaw wired is the most torturous expirences ever I could only stand milk shakes for so long and blended up food tasted like shit. The last 3 weeks I cheated and I was opening my mouth and swallowing shit whole so my jaw healed funny. Its deffinitly an injury that will stay with me forever I'll never get feeling back in my lip or chin and my bite is diffrent its all shifted to the right and my jaw clicks every time I open it and esspecially when I'm chewing food. It was also bad for my pill habit I had at the time. The hospital gave me a script of 30 perc 7.5's and the next day I got my jaw wired and the oral surgeon prescribed me 3 bottles of roxicet so at that point i had to snort or crush and drink the percs and use them wrong. I dunno the 1st month having my jaw wired wasn't bad I don't remeber much of it lol. But the not being able to work thing really drove me crazy my boss just couldn't have me operating power tools on painkillers and risk bumping my face with a plank and being out longer. I still have to get 2 shattered teeth pulled but I just haven't had the money this shit has put me 6k in debt all because I'm a stupid fuck. I'm stoned I think I've been typing for awhile .


Well-Known Member
Being shot 3 times was the worst pain.....Ggrrrrrrr.
My friends dad got shot up by a crazy lady on a killing spree some time in the 70s. She killed a crap load of people that day. He got shot several times with no injury other than the gun shot wounds (i.e. no internal damage). He related the pain as imagine a something the size of a bowling ball getting shoved into something the size of of a pea all within milliseconds. He still has lead in him to this day. Apparently rounds only get removed if they are near an artery or organ. They also are pretty clean when they enter your body due to their heat and speed in which they enter.


Well-Known Member
My worst;

Most memorable;

Motorcycle accident, T-boned a school bus then was ran over by the rear tires.

Damn! Think you missed a stop sign =p Glad you're ok.


Well-Known Member
I was sub-contracting at an animal rendering plant, building an air scrubber system to remove the smell of dead carcass.

There is a room called the gut room. In that room, they also steam out 45 gallon drums of congealed animal fats, and the melted fats are caught in a giant reservoir, and kept just below boiling so it stays in liquid form until pumped into another room where the fats are broken down into various enzymes and proteins.

I had never been in this room at this point, and I was walking across a catwalk that had no hand rails, which was straddling this grease reservoir. Because of all the steam, the room was like a grubby nasty kitchen with grease on EVERYTHING, including the catwalk. While walking across the catwalk, I slipped and fell off the side. My right leg went into the grease catch up to my knee.

I luckily caught myself and got out real quick....like a split second, but the damage was already done. The near boiling grease soaked thru my work clothes, and some actually managed to squeeze into my work boot. I instantly ripped my pants off, then my work boot. I looked on my pants that were inside out, and there was all my skin stuck to them. When I finally got the boot off, I had a baseball sized yellow pus filled blister on the very top of my foot. Within a few seconds I had blisters all over my leg and around my foot. They grew so fast, they would just burst. Then another would grow, and burst. The foot well of my dads truck was full of yellowish white pus fluid by the time we made it to the hospital.

It took nearly 3 months before I could comfortably walk without terrible stretch pains from the scar tissue. I still have a sock pattern burnt into my leg and numerous scars. That was pretty painful.

I have also had a finger ripped off after getting wedged in bandsaw pulley. That sucked.

As well, I hit a tree at about 50 mph on a race quad. That hurt. I actually thought I had massive internal injuries on that one and was going to die. Ended up walking out of the ER (under heavy meds of course). Not a broken bone, nothing. Pretty lucky.


Well-Known Member
Lol dude, I live in africa and I don't even know anybody personaly thats been mugged.


Well-Known Member
Actually, he ran the stop sign and I got paid.:D
I thought so. Glad you are alright regardless of fault. Man, lucky. Take care out there. Its generally other drivers faults when it comes to motorbike accidents, at least as far as I have seen.


Well-Known Member
I took two from a .357, hurt like a mother fucker but a kidney stone is worse. If given the choice I would take my chance with the slugs


Active Member
pitched from the passenger side of a baja bug at 75MPH. Car got airborne, came down and snapped a wheel off. Turned suddenly, jumped off a burm and started flipping on its side in the air. At impact my body broke the seatbelt, then taco'd the door, then I was ejected and it got bad. Batted pop-fly style in the air 3 times by the car while it was flipping over in the air. 3rd hit pitched me into a fence post (along my back), bounced off the fence post and cartwheeled on my neck and knees for 50 meters down the street, spun like a top on my chest as I came to a stop.

Dislocated both knees, both hips, both shoulders, both elbows. Severe sprain of 1 wrist and 1 ankle. 5 bruised ribs on right side, 3 severely broken ribs on the left side, all exposed due to MASSIVE road rash. After I came to I didn't know how hurt I was and I put myself sorta together, belly crawled to the sound of my friend (the driver) screaming from a tree where he had been treated to half a dozen minor impalings. He got twigs through his scalp, trapezius, latisimus dorsi and hand. Amazingly, he was not cut up at all from his trip through the windshield but had a minor concussion. He was dangling in the tree on the very rim of an about 400 foot deep ravine. Pulled him onto the burm and waited for the sweet music of the ambulance.

EDIT: being shot with a .22 in the leg and a .38special in the side was nothing near as painful. Those are a lot like getting hit with a hammer and then having that spot feel like it's on fire. Not nearly as bad as all those joint dislocations. Being stabbed through the forearm almost didn't hurt except for the healing.


Well-Known Member
This thread has already turned EPIC!! lmfao!

Being shot 3 times was the worst pain.....Ggrrrrrrr.
Dude, backstory!

Fell out of a tree... i fractured one arm and broke the other... I was in two full arm casts
lmfao @ that visual!

HOLY SHIT 420God! How fast were you going? Awesome you got that on video!

kevin, rep to your bros for rebuilding your bike, awesome!

I'll check out your thread rowlman, same shit's happened to me before, you have my sympathy man!

i can relate, with a god damn swiss army knife too. Fresno is rough.
LOL'd! How does this shit happen!? hahaha!

Stunkybud that sucks man, sorry to hear that!

Devildog93 that's CRAZY! I'd of been making ABSOLUTELY sure none of my body parts falls in that hot ass oil man! LOL Death trap waiting to happen!

Lol dude, I live in africa and I don't even know anybody personaly thats been mugged.
DUDE! You live in AFRICA? Where the hell at??

I took two from a .357, hurt like a mother fucker but a kidney stone is worse. If given the choice I would take my chance with the slugs
OMG What?! Backstory son!!

My biology teacher had kidney stones in high school, said his doc said it's comparable to a female giving birth!

r3dn3ck, yeah, that sounds like a pretty insane series of injuries! Glad you made it out alive bro!

Keep the stories coming! :mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I was just curious about what the worst injury you've ever experienced was.

What made it so bad? The tremendous amount of pain you experienced? The duration of time you were off your feet? The never getting quite back to "normal"? The no playing with the kids? What?

I've never broken any bones, so most of my injuries are pretty mild..

The one that always sticks out in my mind the most for some reason is this day I tried a little too hard to get into a piece of hard candy... I think I was around 14 and it broke open my tooth! I didn't know that at the time... then a few days later I was eating a Chalupa from Taco Bell and some of it entered that recently broken tooth and !!!!! Yep, worst pain I've probably ever experienced right there! Went to the dentist, received a root canal, then about 4 or 5 years later I had to come back and get that tooth pulled (also another pretty painful experience, not the actual pulling of the tooth, the infection that came before)..

So yeah, what's your story?

Thats the worst. The actor who played Duke in the GI Joe movie boiled off his penis by accident on a film set! Gotta be the worst injury.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
two worst injury's would be trapping a nerve in my neck, it happened almost the moment i arrived in france for a holliday, was in bed with my head at an odd angle in agony for the week. Other was a broken wrist, we thought it was just a hurty wristy so i was given the choie of going to school that saturday or going fly fishing with my father instead, i opted for fly fishing and by jove that was not a fun experience, we soon found out just how badly broken it (now) was :lol:

Most of the other big ones, like shredding my arms up on mini moto bikes and such, well they were all laughed off, mostly due to the hugely excessive amount of alcohol in ym system at the time. Same story with running along a wall, just had to go for that extra step, man down! Trying to explain where you've been to your house master while bleeding everywhere and wearing lots of pink womens coats and scarves is a tricky one, not to mention trying to act sober the entire time. Ah, draconian boarding school life.


Well-Known Member
penis injuries are the worst. when i was young and first learning to ride a bike i hit a wall and slide right up on the gas tank, put a 12" long bruise on the side of my dick. after telling that story to a few of my bro's they nicknamed me bruiser and it has stuck for years.

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
KX-250, throttle stuck in 4th gear, big tabletop..............OH SHIT ....... This is going to leave a mark!
I got separated from my bike in mid-air........... It's not the fall that hurts, it's the sudden stop when you hit the ground.
Both legs, from my toes, all the way up to my hips got crushed or torn............................

Bummer is, they can cut stuff off, but you can still feel the pain
More Smoke Makes Everything Better


Well-Known Member
wow, i sometimes forget im not the only person with nagging/life changing injuries. i was delivering pizza in a bad part of my city and was just going through a 4 way stop and was blasted by a drunk driver doing 65mph on a 30mph city street. i was thrown 100 ft and hit the curb with my shoulder breaking my clavacle and rupturing my slpean along with major road rash a cuts from glass, some still in my body till this day 14 years later. at the time this happened, the pieces of chits on the corner decided to run my pockets and jelwry. they got $600 in cash, a movado watch, my platinum chain and cross, and 10 grams of haze. spent 2 weeks in the hospital and i had 8 months of rehab on my shoulder, the first 2 were excrutiating!!! breaking scare tissue to get my movement back was rediculous. i would cry every time they would get ready to strech me. i've also had numerous injuries playing 6 years of football, and 29 years of hockey. heres a list; torn mcl, torn acl, cracked patella, torn menuiscus (5 times), broken 3rd 4th 5th medetarsel, 1 broken ankle (twice), 1 fractured ankle, 2 broken wrists, almost every figure broken or fractured (pinky is as big as my thumb and always stays strait), seperated sternum (very painful), bruised ribs, and bruised vertebrea. their were also a few fights that left me with a couple bottle scars on my head and face. i guess with all the crap some of us have been through, we should be very greatful were still around.


Well-Known Member
torsion of the testicles. out of action for 2-3 weeks. i shared my hospital room with a guy trying to pass a kidney stone, that seemed like way more pain.
I took two from a .357, hurt like a mother fucker but a kidney stone is worse. If given the choice I would take my chance with the slugs