share outside edges of 2- 1ks or dedicated 400


Active Member
Hello all, I have a unique scenario and me and my partner havent been able to come up with which solution is better, here is the deal.

right now we have a 4x6 flood table with about 25 plants in it with 2 1k lamps, the table is filled nicely and the canopy is pretty close to full. We need to go ahead and put our july batch into 12/12 while june batch is also in 12/12.

my friend thinks we would be better off finding empty spots in our big table(which theres not much of IMO) and aligning them on the sides of the table, as opposed to giving this new batch (of 20 or so) the 400 watt dedicated just to them.

so which solution is better? and no we cannot just put the 400 with the 1ks because of heat issues, if we did the 400w solution we would put it in another room altogether, any ideas anyone? thanks in advance.

EDIT: also, once the june batch is done, the july batch will get all of the 2 1k lights to enjoy, we just need something to get them going for the first weeks of flowering until we pull the june batch.


Well-Known Member
IMO i think since it will only be for a week the 400watter should do fine as during this first week the light is only changing hormones in the plant to flower, reasons it take about two weeks of solid 12 dark 12 light untill you start seeing flowers. then it will go to its flourishing state where everything gets better by the day. by this time you should have them under the 1000 watters and everything should be fine.


Well-Known Member
if you have the space go with the 2-1000s

if you dont have the space it would seem that the 400w is the logical (and only?) next choice... but they should be ok under the 400 for 4 weeks then blasting them with the 2-1000s for another 4-5 weeks if thats what you were looking to hear...


you would change a 1000 out for the 400 so you would have 1400ws in one room total and the 1000 in the other apce.. but that just doesnt seem to be a real smart thing to do....