Shannanagans at work


Well-Known Member
I tried to pick up an account today, the owner of the company tells me were not to service this account because he's currently using a company we have ties with. He, however is unhappy with the service and I (we) can do a better job. This is fucking frustrating for me on lots of levels.
I like my job, because it's relatively easy, pays well, and is sometimes fun, but Jesus it's fucking depressing.
I feel like I'm the only one who gives a shit at work. And it doesn't take long for me to not give a shit, and everyone gets away with it.
I might be loosing my work ethic.


Well-Known Member
UB. You are a funny motherfucker. I wish you lived in AZ.

OP, when you say you will be "loosing" your work ethic, what do you mean? Are you relaxing it, loosening it up? Or you are letting your work ethic loose? And if you are letting it loose, where are you letting it go? Or did you mean "lose"?


Well-Known Member
something that could help with your problem of loosening bowels buck... this phrase helps me sometimes..
righty tighty, lefty loosey


Well-Known Member
God damnit. Why are all the same people I have given rep too, always the ones I continue to try to give rep to. I need to spread it around randomly I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Confusing shit, fer sure. It's got me every which way but loose

Guess I have to loose myself in the music, the moment, you own it...
