"Shall" issue or "May" issue. What is your state?


Well-Known Member
Shall issue states WILL issue firearms, licenses and permits if you are vetted by the local police as well as the state police and in some states the FBI and no reasons are found that would prevent the licensing. A criminal record, spousal abuse, DUIs in some states or if you have been determined to be mentally unstable. Pass those requirements and take a 8 hour gun course and you too can own a firearm.
In May issue States individuals are held to the same standards if they want to own a firearm with the caveat being that the local police or issuing agency has the option of considering you "unsuitable" and denying the licence. Leaving the final say with the police chief came about well over a hundred years ago and was designed directly to keep firearms out of the hands of blacks and other minorities. It's easy to keep a minority docile and complacent if they are unarmed and you are not and it's very easy to accomplish when the sheriff takes off his uniform and puts on a white sheep when he punches out for the day. If you're a black man or a black woman I recommend you obtain a gun license learn how to handle it and learn how to use the proper nomenclature when discussing them. It may be tough in some states but keep pursuing it. Don't let those in power prevent you from having the means to defend yourself. The supreme Court will be taking up the topic of "Shall Issue" or "May Issue" States in the very near future and are expected to rule that "May Issue states are clearly acting unconstitutionally and "May Issue" is an effort to keep firearms out of the hands of those they feel should not have them traditionally meaning minorities.
Is your state a "Shall Issue" or a "May Issue" state and do you feel that individuals should be given a license as long as they are not prohibited to do so for another reason. One of the natural laws of men is the right to defend ones self regardless of race. It's not gun control, it's race control. The police department would rather not illegally kick your door off it's hinges if they thought you were legal gun owner.
No permits needed seems to work ok in many states. Even "shall issue" states had problems with local/state police capriciously denying permits, "losing"/ not processing paperwork, scheduling fingerprinting at odd hours then tell you they can't do it, question you for answers unrelated to the application.

The lack of training is the biggest worry, so permits for out of state are issued with training required, but I can just use my drivers license in 10 states instead of a permit good for 30+. Mine is not valid in 3 more states since they dropped the fingerprinting requirement.
If someone is barred from possession, paper makes no difference.
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. . . . . . . . One of the natural laws of men is the right to defend ones self regardless of race. . . . . . . .
FYI: There is one race of people on earth at the present time. The Human Race. What you are talking about is differences in skin pigmentation, eye shape and color, hair texture and color, etc. etc. We do have a real problem with pigmentation bias, let's get our terms right.
@hanimmal ... I was JK. I really didn't crack his bean with a 2 X 4. Not that I wouldn't have if I was younger, meaner, and still aggressive but I'm old and I might break a hip.
Rape is not an act of sex it's an act of violence, suppression and dominance. As abhorrent as it is I'm curious what people think when a woman steps forward 25 years later with an accusation of rape. It always makes me question the accused as well as the accuser. I also find it a bit troublesome that when a woman wakes up in the morning to find some man laying with her that she can make an allegation of rape that will possibly end up with the conviction. If college students get so intoxicated that they don't remember what happened the night before how can it be called rape. If both parties are equally inebriated why is it the man that bears all of the responsibility?

Just as a side note, My 8th grade teacher Mrs Jones had her way with me and I never reported it. All I could do was hope that she would do it again but she never said a word about it and for the next three years she ignored me. I've been carrying that heavy weight for 45 years now and the counseling has helped to some degree but the scarring remains.
@hanimmal ... I was JK. I really didn't crack his bean with a 2 X 4. Not that I wouldn't have if I was younger, meaner, and still aggressive but I'm old and I might break a hip.
Rape is not an act of sex it's an act of violence, suppression and dominance. As abhorrent as it is I'm curious what people think when a woman steps forward 25 years later with an accusation of rape. It always makes me question the accused as well as the accuser. I also find it a bit troublesome that when a woman wakes up in the morning to find some man laying with her that she can make an allegation of rape that will possibly end up with the conviction. If college students get so intoxicated that they don't remember what happened the night before how can it be called rape. If both parties are equally inebriated why is it the man that bears all of the responsibility?

Just as a side note, My 8th grade teacher Mrs Jones had her way with me and I never reported it. All I could do was hope that she would do it again but she never said a word about it and for the next three years she ignored me. I've been carrying that heavy weight for 45 years now and the counseling has helped to some degree but the scarring remains.
Women are just in the last 2-4 years starting to find their voices when it comes to sexual assault. So I would be careful of clutching pearls when women have been assaulted for years and raped by their husbands only to not be taken seriously.

And with drunk kids, the physical strength and dominance that males are capable of is why there is a difference. Sure I agree a girl can sexually assault a boy, but lets be real, guys taking advantage of women is not a rarity.

Are you equally upset about the people now coming out about the priests that raped them as kids?

That is a pretty fucked up story, I am sorry that happened to you as a kid. The mental scars can fuck people up in ways they never even consider. It is like a bend in a plant. It might grow strong again, but the scar tissue never goes away.

Male angst trolling has been flowing is my guess.
The police department would rather not illegally kick your door off it's hinges if they thought you were legal gun owner.

lulz, my how dramatic. How many doors have been knocked of its hinges for the sole reason that a person owned a firearm without a permit? The police won't even do that when the court orders a man to hand in his weapons because the asshole has threatened his wife with them and she got a restraining order. Ohmygauzz, the feds will come crashing through!!!!


The rest of your post is just NRA clickbait. This will all be sorted out at the SCOTUS and 2A radicals will just ignore the regs like they always do.

bumpstocks anyone?
FYI: There is one race of people on earth at the present time. The Human Race. What you are talking about is differences in skin pigmentation, eye shape and color, hair texture and color, etc. etc. We do have a real problem with pigmentation bias, let's get our terms right.

"Race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations." Wikipedia

Race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical traits. Wikipedia

I certainly understand what your saying injinji and I actually agree but the above Wiki definition is contrary and you would be naive to think that there are no differences. If you're saying there's no difference between a Mongol a Samoan or a Scotsman I don't think you're correct. Is there any doubt that the skull of a black man is different in some ways from the skull of a Caucasian? Personally I could give two s**** if someone is of Roma or Eastern European or Anglo-Saxon because I believe that despite any minor physiological differences we do belong to the same race and everyone should be treated as such.

lulz, my how dramatic. How many doors have been knocked of its hinges for the sole reason that a person owned a firearm without a permit? The police won't even do that when the court orders a man to hand in his weapons because the asshole has threatened his wife with them and she got a restraining order. Ohmygauzz, the feds will come crashing through!!!!

View attachment 4784763

The rest of your post is just NRA clickbait. This will all be sorted out at the SCOTUS and 2A radicals will just ignore the regs like they always do.

bumpstocks anyone?

My post is as far from being NRA clickbait. I was simply pointing out that firearms and firearms license have always been used to disenfranchise minorities and eliminate the possibility that they might be a threat to you. Are you also suggesting that the police do not perform no knock search warrants in the pursuit of illegal and unregistered firearms? If that's your position maybe you should talk to the people of New Orleans. There were thousands and thousands of legally owned firearms unconstitutionally seized by every governmental force out there.
Bump stocks? I'm an active member of three gun clubs and I have never even seen a bump stock and would have absolutely no need for one. Banning bump stocks will have zero impact on gun crime just like banning AR-15s and the like. What the uneducated like to call assault rifles are just black guns. The 223 / 5.56 round was designed with the intention of wounding the enemy. It's primary goal was not to kill. Not that it doesn't do a fine job at that. Taking the barrel shroud the pistol grip and the bayonet lug off a rifle does not change its use at all. I'm afraid my wooden stocked Remington model 7400 chambered in 30.06 caliber rather than .22 and capable of utilizing 30-round magazines is a far more dangerous weapon than any .223 out there..
There was no conscious effort on my part to post any NRA clickbait. If you have the opportunity and have Comcast or XUMO you should watch "Assault: On your civil rights" or at least that's what I think it's called. It clearly demonstrates that the laws of this country have for hundreds of years prevented blacks and minorities from legally owning firearms and the trend continues. The total ban of handguns in the district of Columbia was designed to do nothing more than disarm the black population.
It is apparent that I need to work on my writing skills as my original post seem to have been misinterpreted. I strongly support the first and second amendment but I would never give a dime to the NRA. The day that someone shows me gun laws that will reduce the crime on our streets I'm willing to sign on. It's a lot like Newtown. The country is outraged and in an uproar over the killings of 20 little white children but they don't give a s*** about the 600 young black men killed in the city of Chicago in the same year.
I'm sure I dug a deeper hole for myself with this post but misinterpretation often runs rampant on forums. You guys have a good day and my intentions were not to start an argument but rather a discussion.
@hanimmal ... I was JK. I really didn't crack his bean with a 2 X 4. Not that I wouldn't have if I was younger, meaner, and still aggressive but I'm old and I might break a hip.
Rape is not an act of sex it's an act of violence, suppression and dominance. As abhorrent as it is I'm curious what people think when a woman steps forward 25 years later with an accusation of rape. It always makes me question the accused as well as the accuser. I also find it a bit troublesome that when a woman wakes up in the morning to find some man laying with her that she can make an allegation of rape that will possibly end up with the conviction. If college students get so intoxicated that they don't remember what happened the night before how can it be called rape. If both parties are equally inebriated why is it the man that bears all of the responsibility?

Just as a side note, My 8th grade teacher Mrs Jones had her way with me and I never reported it. All I could do was hope that she would do it again but she never said a word about it and for the next three years she ignored me. I've been carrying that heavy weight for 45 years now and the counseling has helped to some degree but the scarring remains.


"Race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations." Wikipedia

Race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical traits. Wikipedia

I certainly understand what your saying injinji and I actually agree but the above Wiki definition is contrary and you would be naive to think that there are no differences. If you're saying there's no difference between a Mongol a Samoan or a Scotsman I don't think you're correct. Is there any doubt that the skull of a black man is different in some ways from the skull of a Caucasian? Personally I could give two s**** if someone is of Roma or Eastern European or Anglo-Saxon because I believe that despite any minor physiological differences we do belong to the same race and everyone should be treated as such.

My post is as far from being NRA clickbait. I was simply pointing out that firearms and firearms license have always been used to disenfranchise minorities and eliminate the possibility that they might be a threat to you. Are you also suggesting that the police do not perform no knock search warrants in the pursuit of illegal and unregistered firearms? If that's your position maybe you should talk to the people of New Orleans. There were thousands and thousands of legally owned firearms unconstitutionally seized by every governmental force out there.
Bump stocks? I'm an active member of three gun clubs and I have never even seen a bump stock and would have absolutely no need for one. Banning bump stocks will have zero impact on gun crime just like banning AR-15s and the like. What the uneducated like to call assault rifles are just black guns. The 223 / 5.56 round was designed with the intention of wounding the enemy. It's primary goal was not to kill. Not that it doesn't do a fine job at that. Taking the barrel shroud the pistol grip and the bayonet lug off a rifle does not change its use at all. I'm afraid my wooden stocked Remington model 7400 chambered in 30.06 caliber rather than .22 and capable of utilizing 30-round magazines is a far more dangerous weapon than any .223 out there..
There was no conscious effort on my part to post any NRA clickbait. If you have the opportunity and have Comcast or XUMO you should watch "Assault: On your civil rights" or at least that's what I think it's called. It clearly demonstrates that the laws of this country have for hundreds of years prevented blacks and minorities from legally owning firearms and the trend continues. The total ban of handguns in the district of Columbia was designed to do nothing more than disarm the black population.
It is apparent that I need to work on my writing skills as my original post seem to have been misinterpreted. I strongly support the first and second amendment but I would never give a dime to the NRA. The day that someone shows me gun laws that will reduce the crime on our streets I'm willing to sign on. It's a lot like Newtown. The country is outraged and in an uproar over the killings of 20 little white children but they don't give a s*** about the 600 young black men killed in the city of Chicago in the same year.
I'm sure I dug a deeper hole for myself with this post but misinterpretation often runs rampant on forums. You guys have a good day and my intentions were not to start an argument but rather a discussion.
cite cases of no knock warrants searching for unregistered firearms when its just a person who owns a gun and not a dealer.

As I said. you are being as dramatic as a that child who was told he couldn't have another cookie.

"Race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations." Wikipedia

Race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical traits. Wikipedia

I certainly understand what your saying injinji and I actually agree but the above Wiki definition is contrary and you would be naive to think that there are no differences. If you're saying there's no difference between a Mongol a Samoan or a Scotsman I don't think you're correct. Is there any doubt that the skull of a black man is different in some ways from the skull of a Caucasian? Personally I could give two s**** if someone is of Roma or Eastern European or Anglo-Saxon because I believe that despite any minor physiological differences we do belong to the same race and everyone should be treated as such.

My post is as far from being NRA clickbait. I was simply pointing out that firearms and firearms license have always been used to disenfranchise minorities and eliminate the possibility that they might be a threat to you. Are you also suggesting that the police do not perform no knock search warrants in the pursuit of illegal and unregistered firearms? If that's your position maybe you should talk to the people of New Orleans. There were thousands and thousands of legally owned firearms unconstitutionally seized by every governmental force out there.
Bump stocks? I'm an active member of three gun clubs and I have never even seen a bump stock and would have absolutely no need for one. Banning bump stocks will have zero impact on gun crime just like banning AR-15s and the like. What the uneducated like to call assault rifles are just black guns. The 223 / 5.56 round was designed with the intention of wounding the enemy. It's primary goal was not to kill. Not that it doesn't do a fine job at that. Taking the barrel shroud the pistol grip and the bayonet lug off a rifle does not change its use at all. I'm afraid my wooden stocked Remington model 7400 chambered in 30.06 caliber rather than .22 and capable of utilizing 30-round magazines is a far more dangerous weapon than any .223 out there..
There was no conscious effort on my part to post any NRA clickbait. If you have the opportunity and have Comcast or XUMO you should watch "Assault: On your civil rights" or at least that's what I think it's called. It clearly demonstrates that the laws of this country have for hundreds of years prevented blacks and minorities from legally owning firearms and the trend continues. The total ban of handguns in the district of Columbia was designed to do nothing more than disarm the black population.
It is apparent that I need to work on my writing skills as my original post seem to have been misinterpreted. I strongly support the first and second amendment but I would never give a dime to the NRA. The day that someone shows me gun laws that will reduce the crime on our streets I'm willing to sign on. It's a lot like Newtown. The country is outraged and in an uproar over the killings of 20 little white children but they don't give a s*** about the 600 young black men killed in the city of Chicago in the same year.
I'm sure I dug a deeper hole for myself with this post but misinterpretation often runs rampant on forums. You guys have a good day and my intentions were not to start an argument but rather a discussion.
Republicans and the NRA blocked research by the NIH to study how to reduce gun deaths and violence. It's easy for you to say "show me" but we both know that I can't because funding was blocked.

I don't want to take your guns away, I just want the death toll in the US to be similar to those of countries like ours. Is that too much to ask?
Republicans and the NRA blocked research by the NIH to study how to reduce gun deaths and violence. It's easy for you to say "show me" but we both know that I can't because funding was blocked.

I don't want to take your guns away, I just want the death toll in the US to be similar to those of countries like ours. Is that too much to ask?
Countries like ours? I thought you were in Oregon?
Massachusetts is a shall, may, shall maybe not issue state. In a nutshell....the further away from Boston the better off you are. In western MA they shall issue LTC and FID. Closer to Boston they shall issue FID , but may issue LTC.
When you get inside Boston it’s like excuse us while we drive through your house with this armored bulldozer to confiscate this infernal BB gun.
The state should be issuing them in a non arbitrary method, local control has always led to meddling and exceptions.

Since it's a 2nd amendment right to own and use, it's a bit trickier than a drivers license.
But this is a mess.
50 states/ 51 laws/ 51 courts...no training/some training, No fingerprints/ fingerprints, No permits! VT/ Nobody gets permits MA
Drunken retired cops can carry them on airplanes/ I can't drive thru NY with one in a safe.