shady's blue rhino main-line (attempt #2)

Right next friday she goes into 12/12 folks.
She's really started to surge i growth now.
I'll try not to prune to early lol practice my cloning


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I'm sure her roots used the time to become well established. Can't wait to see her take off into flowering. Nice job.
Just read through your grow really fast!...Good green color, NICE!...if i were you, I would veg for another week! How many watts do you have on her?, and is that a make shift CO2 maker that I see in the bottom of your pics...If so, put it above the palnt (somehow)... CO2 is heavier than air!
haha couldnt wait! shes looking fuckin sexy mate!! what pots she in??

i tried to make a diy ring like yours it never worked lol.

cant wait to see you get a hps you obv got the skills my friend!!!
Cheers l.k
She's in a 2gal "root pouch" (fabric pot)
Yh my 1st 2 rings didnt either lol. Keep tryin.
I was thinkin bout leaving her in the extra few days but i think she'll do more in flower lol

I had a weird dream about hookin a solar panal upto a 5farad power capacitor upto a light?? (I usually dream my plamts r dead or been squished) so a contructive dreams cool for once.

On a lighter note my c02 gen exploded on me earlier lol..

Oh yh l.k. gonna have to take some these side branches off early man cos theyre gettim idea's above there worth lol (this wont hurt owt will it?) Dont think it will i jus wont have as many to clone but oh well
fuck sake had a bo$$ reply typed out then blamo comp fucks me!


explaine why you need to remove branches? everything in that last picky looks spot on! do you need clones? if so yea chop em i did that exact same thing 20mins ago (i forgot to take em at the start lol!) how many nodes above the ring are you??

i keep trying an failing lol right now ive cut the top lip from a plant pot for the ring now it needs legs and the wicker bin to my left looks like the solution!!

just some things i thought that will help and just some food for thought!

A> your co2, co2 is heavy more then air, so as soon as it leaves the bottle into the open air its falling to the floor and not really doing anything for your gal! get a tube (like air tube for airstones its about 50p a meter) take one end, light it then using a spoon push the tube together sealing the end. take a needle and light it, when its hot use it to poke little holes all along the tubing,(if you place it in water and blow it should look like and airstone!).. then wrap it around the perimeter of
your reflector on the underside so that the holes are all above and looking down at your gal(dont make holes all the way down just around the reflector part)

.using the bottle you have put a hole in the lid a little smaller then the diameter of the tube. make your co2 mix and screw the lid with a hole in it back on. place the end of the tube into your bottle via the hole and blam the co2 will fall directly onto what ever is beneth your light aka plants!!

B.> have you considered moving her outside into the sun when its really nice and beaming, its better then any hps or cfl! what do you think on this?

C> i urge you to try and find a small plastic storage box or something rectangle that is the same height as your fabric pot but covers the whole foot print of your groom. your girl and YIELD will get much much bigger, you have the space, more roots - more bud!!!

let me know what you think mate!!
Okey dokey mr l.k lol

Side branchin is gonna be removed cos it'll just be kinda a sog/scrog hingmy (i have been toying with the idea of just leaving her as is now. No pruning. But i wanna see this main-line ting through as per teacher nugs instruction)

Erm she's maybe 3-4 nodes above thae ring mate.

Yh i keep 4gettin to get tubing lol its on my list man.
Outsides a no mate cos of neighbors i'd love to get her out in the sun..

Pots man if i dont go hydro for the next run it'll 5gal smarties bro but defo think im gonna goin dwc..
Im embarking on abit of a strain hunt. I'm gonna try nd steer clear of anything blue (tho blue hash is my best strain i've grown) cali orange bud i've always liked. Purple bud i really wanna have a crack at. Aagh lol im drivin myself nuts just thinkin bout it now lol theres so much i aint tried still lol maybe sumat no-ones crossed lol dunno.. might jus use up all my blue widow beans see if i can find that strong widow pheno??
i urge you to look at breeder boutique, most of there strains are clone only crosses and the best phenos from the uk (and all over)
Dun worry man, positronics is gonna do you right. Peep my black widow clones, all from one seed feminized UFO/freebie.

You should take a cutting after 3 weeks of flower and try to reveg into a bushy mother. If your genetics look promising.
The side branching in th middle i still cant decide wether to keep or not. I know its not gonna be exactly a main-line but they're good fookin strong branches and they propa hunt light i tuck em down they pop back up. ??????????????
Aaaahhhh I see, hmmmm, they are quite big, but they are nearly the same size as you top, tops. It's still a mainline as its all done of off 1 hub.

Hmmmm. If they are the lowest nodes fuck em we want some nodes above the ring I'm sure. If you cut them the other tops will shoot up. You'll have to chop all branches of that height to make sure the flow remains even.

I would chop em then the same day put them to flower, this way the growth will all be directed to main buds as they stretch.

If you ain't done clones before use these as a practice
O n positronics have a wicked citrus strain, very Orange like. Still Bb are in a class of there own. Most strains are made from clone only meaning they already have the best phenos and are crossing them.

Check out sea of seeds
Cheers bro well 4 of them are all a node befor they split for 8 (if you get where i mean) and 1 of thems popped up from else where. So im gonna chop the odd 1 this keeps flow even still.
Yh i had a good look in on bb and im likin the look of there "the dog" they all have mint genetics. (Hmm mint) lol