ShaDowmaN's 1st 400w Closet Grow


:clap:Welcome fellow RIU members.:clap:
I have been reading a lot on this forum over the past year or so and now I am ready for my first real grow. Feel free to leave comments and concerns, lets try to keep it on track. Has been 13 days since germination and they were showing the next day.

  • 400W HPS/MH
  • Miracle-Gro Organic Potting Mix (plan to use FF next time*)
*Had to transplant from contaminated soil (bugs) to new soil after first day when I realized the soil was bad and Wal was the only thing open..

  • 20/4 light cycle
  • ~19-20" from light
  • Jack's Classic Dynamic Duo Nutes
  • Box Fan
Pic order is 9, 4, 5, 8, 1, 2, 3, 6
1-5 transplanted, 6-9 not; started 10 days ago.



Might just be from the early transplant? Have you checked ph? Good luck man, I got a 400 in a closet too.


Temp range (min-max) 70-90

npk is .10-.05-.05

I haven't checked the ph but I try to leave my bottles out for a day. They are looking good but I am worried that I may be watering too much and also wondering when I should start adding nutes?


Hmm, overwatering is my guess if it wasn't from transplant, but I would look for more advice from someone that knows better than I do.. Don't worry too much, just take it easy on them. Won't need nutes for a couple weeks. Do ya know what strain it is?


I'm planning on getting a pH meter, do you have any suggestions? These are random dank seeds that I got from a good friend of mine.


Transplanted to 5 gal buckets (only using ~3.5 gal of soil for this grow) two mornings ago and they are looking great again. Here are some pics this morning when they woke up. Light is ~ 30-32" and as they grow I will keep it around 24" as that seems to be the sweet spot.



So, it's been a week and a half since my last update, lots of progress. There has been some nute burn but it's pretty much under control now and the really rough looking one had to be flushed because of nute burn/lock. I accidently overwatered them again, ugh; this cheap Home Depot soil is really rough to work with, next time I am going with some better soil for sure. The tallest is sitting at about 12", mediums are at 8.5", and smaller ones 6". I am planning to switch to flowering at the end of this week. Here's some pics. :joint:

btw, light schedule is down to 18/6, distance from light is still 24", and temps sit at 80-85 day and 68-72 night.



So I switched to my HPS bulb today and I was looking at the MH that I just used and noticed some white and a little yellow buildup on the inside of the bulb where the light is emitted, is this normal? Will this degrade the light coming out? Here are some pictures, hopefully they are clear enough.



I have been flowering for nearly a week and a half and I feel my progress is slow, others have tree's compared to me at similar stage of growth. I knew I would be behind because of complications before but I didn't expect this. Tallest is around 17" while others around 13". I just started watering with molasses and epsom the other day and they seem to be loving it and bud sites are popping up all over so it's really just vertical growth that is slowed. I really expected from what others have posted to see my plants grow twice to quadruple the size but I am not seeing that as of yet.

I am down to 4 females from eight and temps are same except for highest is now 88 degress. I had some flying bugs but I got a no vapor, no chemical fly trap and it got all of them (that I know of). Also addest two 6500k 20w cfl's to try to get some more vertical growth and help with under canopy lighting.



Just wanted to finish this journal before I start my new one.

This batch was chopped late March due to moving into a new place. I ended up yeilding 10g dry and although the nice smell and good burn the high was very short obviously due to the early harvest. I have a new grow currently two and a half weeks into flowering, Blue Mystic (Fem). Check it out in my sig.