Shack's 125W CFL DIY Tent Grow

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
The lower nodal bud production is awesome. The buds just below the tops on GWS are incredible, this bulb has most definitely increased my total yield.

Now you might understand my positions in such threads as Lollipopping regarding light penetration, etc. Most of the time the no-light-penetration thumpers have never been weaned off a CFL and used an efficient HPS with a good horizontal hood.

Another thought - now that "we" have the 4 main colas with decent lower bud development, you might wanna consider harvesting the plant in stages, doing the Bendejo double harvest drill. Now's the time to plan for such an experiment as you WILL need to have retained the lower leaves - none of the newbie flushing bullshit and such. :D

Good luck,
Tio Bendejo


Active Member
Dam Shack, the girls have really come a long way, they look great! that hps is def gonna help pack on some weight. Nice Work:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i got some type of bug in the tent. i saw a tiny white dot crawling out of the drainage holes on Liza (lemon skunk) her leafs look OK no webs, BUT Gwen (great white shark) has tiny brown "rust" spots all over her.

pretty sure i'm dealing with spider mites. i've been using some earthworm casting/happy frog soil "tea" that i've been brewing in the garage, not the cleanest environment, I KNOW!! pretty sure they piggy backed from there.

i have neem oil that i've been using to treat for fleas and other nasties on my lawn. can i use it as a soil drench in my tent or do i need to apply as a foliar spray? what rate of application for both? anybody?! i know the neem oil will work just don't know how to apply it in this situation.



Well-Known Member
You sure it wasn't aphids Shack?
Here is a pic:

Usually you will see webs before you see any spider mites


Well-Known Member
aphids seem more likely. what type of damage should i expect? Gypsy, that leaf damage you showed from the thrips looks wrong.
i don't have the white patches, just dark brown dots. i'll get some pictures of the leaf damage once my camera charges.

what is the remedy for both? (organic if possible)



Well-Known Member
I controlled my thrips with the neem oil.. just keep at it.. do not give them a chance to "bounce back"...

good luck..:razz:


Well-Known Member
i'm starting to wonder if the two are unrelated. ALL of the leaf damage is isolated to Gwen. I gave Liza a thorough check and all her leafs look just fine.
I'm wondering if I have root aphids in Liza and nutrient issue with Gwen. working on getting pics of the damaged leafs uploaded.
planning to use neem as a preventative/curative, i read soil drenching could be dangerous with some plants, should i just start with about 1/2 tbsp/gallon? (the concentrate i have recommends 2 tbsp/gallon)



Well-Known Member
be careful with the neem on your leaves apply it right aflter you turn off the light if possible. avoid applying in light or within a few hours of turning light bak on it can burn your leaves really bad and you will end up with more leaf damage from the neem than the bugs. get a sticky pads and put them in your room in a few hours you should know exactly what youre dealing with. make sure to pu them at the base of your plants


Well-Known Member
dont use the neem till you are sure you have a bug problem and get the sticky pads to find out. i have had neem oil do more harm than good b4


Well-Known Member
here they are.. gwens poor little leaves :-(
she didn't look like this yesterday, and now pretty much widespread damage.
the whole plant has been hit with something. she was watered yesterday with the "tea" and FN Bloom nutrients.
my guess is she overdosed on something OR something is keeping her from absorbing something. what could it be?? the damage is too quickly widespread to be a bug.

that downside is that there ARE bugs in the room i saw two with my own eyes crawling out of Liza's container (the plant not pictured here) so i guess i'll try the sticky traps out, try to catch some fuckers and see what i'm dealing with

:cuss::finger::dunce::wall::fire::wall::dunce: :cuss: :finger::wall::fire::cuss::finger::wall:

that just about sums up my rage at this point. need to relax and understand it can only get better. i've seen worse (just check my last grow journal)

anyhow, what does these spots look like to you? i saw no bugs crawling around on this girl JUST leaf damage so its something internal.



So I looked over the GrowFAQ and saw the image for "Ozone Damage" and immediately realized that I had been blasting my tent with an air purifier, to help with odor control. I forgot that my air purifier generates ozone and I had this baby on full blast. I JUST did this for the first time TODAY and this shows up. So with that in mind, does that look like ozone damage to you?



Active Member
What the hell Shack did ya get one of those fuckers yet?
I keep seeing pieces of my leaves gone like edges munched...alll I see in mine are those asian beetles from time to time.....but they say they don't eat plants...???
anyway let me know what yoiu find out ...Im getting killer growth on my ls...25 days today Im up to eight nodes still waiting for a alternate node to top though....


Well-Known Member
bump! thoughts anyone?

here they are.. gwens poor little leaves :-(
she didn't look like this yesterday, and now pretty much widespread damage.
the whole plant has been hit with something. she was watered yesterday with the "tea" and FN Bloom nutrients.
my guess is she overdosed on something OR something is keeping her from absorbing something. what could it be?? the damage is too quickly widespread to be a bug.

that downside is that there ARE bugs in the room i saw two with my own eyes crawling out of Liza's container (the plant not pictured here) so i guess i'll try the sticky traps out, try to catch some fuckers and see what i'm dealing with

:cuss::finger::dunce::wall::fire::wall::dunce: :cuss: :finger::wall::fire::cuss::finger::wall:

that just about sums up my rage at this point. need to relax and understand it can only get better. i've seen worse (just check my last grow journal)

anyhow, what does these spots look like to you? i saw no bugs crawling around on this girl JUST leaf damage so its something internal.



So I looked over the GrowFAQ and saw the image for "Ozone Damage" and immediately realized that I had been blasting my tent with an air purifier, to help with odor control. I forgot that my air purifier generates ozone and I had this baby on full blast. I JUST did this for the first time TODAY and this shows up. So with that in mind, does that look like ozone damage to you?


Well-Known Member
I think you may have found it yourself. If that purifier was making ozone that is probably the culprit. I would have said maybe just bit over nuted but the tips are not burnt and it kinda looks like a mag def but really not. The big white spot on the leaf was a nutrient droplect that helped burn the leaf under light. (magnifying glass). I think I would just watch them closely for a few days and see if the problem gets better before doing too much.


Well-Known Member
I guess its possible that it could be from the ozone, especially since the leaves are only being affected on one plant right?
Is that the plant closer to the purifier?

And to alaskagrown88, there is not such thing as a plant being root bound
It just means that you have to water and feed the plant more often


Active Member
bump! thoughts anyone?
Shack I did the same thing ...I spaced and the next day I shut it off...'bout six hours later I came in to check and one plant was suffering from yellowish tiger stripes....
I freaked asked around and started thinking what did I do to one that I didn't to the other...nothing and I actually thought it was my filtered I strarted a mixture from the well water and the filtered ....she started to rebound and I never added anything else...
But now that you brought this up it clicked my ionic breeze was a little breezy.
From now on it stays outside the grow room:weed: