Sh! babies!

mr west

Well-Known Member
got any pics? that would give everyone an idea what u mean and might be able to help. how old r theses seedlings, are they in soil? what light u using and so on the more info u give the easier it is for ppl to help.
hope this helps


Well-Known Member
got any pics? I'm no grow expert (in fact this is my first attempt from seed) but had a had a problem with yellowing at around 20 or so days in. found out it was from overwatering. can't say this is your prob cuz lots of factors will cause your plant to yellow. have you searched the plant problems forum? I'm sure there is a thread on what causes yellowing and how to fix it.


Well-Known Member
Well they were in a window sill but seemed liek they were gettin t stringy so i put them under flurecent grow lights. Sylvania sun stick 5000k F/40 40W. at first i left the ligths on for a full 24 hours then heard that was to much so last night i turned them off and this morn i turned them back on. sorry no pics, i dotn have the cord. o theyre bout 1 1/2- 2 wks old and some of them are 4 inches but some are 1 so i put all the short ones on a seperate table and lowered the light so its bout 3 iches from them. the taller ones, the lights bout 4 inches from them.