SG Recycler Review


Active Member
hey guys i was thinking about picking up a recycler and then someone gave me a really bad review and i havnt really heard anything good about it. I know in my eyes its awesome but i was wondering from someone whos actually hit one. thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I've never hit a a recycler, but I can't imagine anything SG not hitting well. I could be wrong I guess. ha.


Active Member
right thats what i thought, im still getting one lol. just saw steve reveal a pic of a super huge recycler. oh myy


Active Member
Well people go crazy and pay way more than retail for them so there must be something good about them haha.


Well-Known Member
Never seen one before until I just googled it. Looks more of a novelty piece. And I still dont get really what it's doing? Ive watched a few videos but cant figure it out


Active Member
im not to sure if it really recycles the smoke or anything but it does pass through the gridded stemline and gets pretty good diffusion. deffinetly a novetly piece its sovereignty! but non the less im still jumpin on one


The stream is what on earth is recycled. Glimpse what sort of water really does little in excess of occasionally within second arc which joins on to the particular mouthpiece, this specific water which splashes in excess of however is recycled towards main chamber associated with water.